February 13, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Invocation
IV. Pledge-U.S. and Texas
V. Open Forum
VI. Students of the Month, Principal Reports, Athletic Director Report
VII. Reports
VII.A. TAPR - Paige Steed
VII.B. HB 3 Goals - Paige Steed
VII.C. Region 16 EDNET Fiber Consortium Resolution/Interlocal Agreement - David Calabrese
VIII. Approval of Minutes
IX. Review of Financial Reports
IX.A. Investments
IX.B. Check Payments
IX.C. Budget
IX.D. Cafeteria
IX.E. Transportation
IX.F. Enrollment and Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
IX.G. Amendments and Transfers
IX.H. Donations
X. Superintendent Report
X.A. Discuss Updated Mission and Vision Statement
X.B. Discuss alternative dates for the Agriculture Learning Center Groundbreaking Ceremony
X.C. Board Candidate Filing Packets Due February 14, 5pm
X.D. Next Board Meeting - March 10th, 6pm
XI. Consent Agenda Items
XI.A. Approval of Amendments,Transfers, and Donations
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Consideration and possible action to select an architect/engineer to provide services relating to the District's Show Animal/Meeting Facility Project, RFQ 2025-01A, and authorizing the Superintendent, or his designee, to take action as needed on the District's behalf
XII.B. Consideration and possible action on a resolution designating a construction delivery method for the District's Show Animal/Meeting Facility Project
XII.C. Consideration and possible action on administrator employment contracts
XII.D. Consideration and possible action on a Joint Election Agreement with The City of Childress, Childress Hospital District, and Childress Independent School District for the May 3, 2025, trustee general election
XII.E. Consideration and possible action to adopt a Board resolution to join with other educational entities in an interlocal agreement pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code, Section 791.001, et. seq., to form and/or participate in the “Region 16 EDNET Fiber Consortium”; and
Authorize the Superintendent of the District to sign the Region 16 EDNET Fiber Consortium Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the Board and to take such other action as may be necessary or appropriate to enter into the Agreement and to perform such other duties, and exercise such other powers as a Member of the Consortium on behalf of the District. |
XIII. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session (TGCS 551.074)
XIII.A. Personnel
XIII.B. Exit Executive Session
XIV. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items
XV. Adjourn