February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Call to Order
III. Invocation
IV. Pledge-US and Texas
V. Open Forum
VI. Student of the Month Recognition
VII. Principal Reports
VIII. Presentation: Aquila Environmental - LED Lighting, John Sledge
IX. Report: Social/Emotional Learning - Corie Orr, CJH Counselor
X. Public Hearing: Texas Academic Performance Report
XI. Approval of Minutes - January 9, 2023
XII. Review of Financial Reports
XII.A. Investments
XII.B. Bills
XII.C. Budget
XII.D. Cafeteria
XII.E. Transportation
XII.F. Enrollment
XII.G. Average Daily Attendance
XII.H. Amendments and Transfers
XIII. Superintendent Report
XIII.A. EpiPens on campuses - Cabinets, Staff Training, Procedure
XIII.B. Discuss March Board Meeting Date
XIII.C. Structural Items - HS Gym Hallway
XIII.D. Junior High HVAC Project
XIII.E. 2023-2024 Four Day Instructional Calendar Update
XIII.F. Facilities Update
XIII.G. Mrs. Meacham's Retirement
XIV. Consent Agenda Items
XIV.A. Approval of Amendments and Transfers
XV. Action Items
XV.A. Discuss and take possible action on Safe Return to In Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.
XV.B. Discuss and take possible action to add Epinephrine to Board Policy FFAC (LOCAL).
XV.C. Discuss and take possible action to extend Administrator Contracts an additional year.
XV.D. Discuss and take possible action to approve the Superintendent to enter into an agreement of joint election with the City, School and Hospital District.
XVI. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session (TGCS 551.074)
XVI.A. Personnel
XVI.B. Exit Executive Session
XVII. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items
XVII.A. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
XVIII. Adjourn