February 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Mr. Gary Johnson
2. Pledge of Allegiance: United States & Texas - Mr. Gary Johnson
3. Introduce Softball Team- Mr. Wayne Baker
4. Introduce New Employees - Ms. Lindsey Bryant
5. Open for Public Comment
6. Approval of Minutes of Board Work Session of January 17, 2023 - Mr. Gary Johnson
7. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 23, 2023 - Mr. Gary Johnson
8. Action Items:
8.A. Committee Reports
8.A.1. Property Committee - Ms. Montie Garner
8.A.1.a. Purchase of Trucks with PSP Grant
8.A.1.b. Consider Purchase of Simulation Medication Dispensing System
8.A.1.c. Purchase of Property 201 Cummings Ave
8.A.2. Finance Committee - Mr. Gary Johnson
8.A.2.a. Approval of Fees for Fall 2023
8.B. Monthly Financial Statements & Budget Amendments - Ms. Brandy Ham
8.C. Quarterly Investment Report- Ms. Brandy Ham
8.D. Resolution Supporting the TXCCCF Recommendations - Mr. Gary Johnson
8.E. Certification of Unopposed Candidates- Mr. Gary Johnson
8.F. Approval of Order of Cancellation of Election for Place 1, 2, and 8 - Mr. Gary Johnson
9. Informational Items:
9.A. Education Report - Bachelor Degree Updates- Ms. Gisela Davila
9.B. Institutional Effectiveness Report - Dr. Janice Hicks
9.C. Vision 2030+ Update - Mr. Ken Zartner
9.D. President's Report - Dr. Gregory Williams
9.D.1. Positively OC Presidental Scholar Profile
9.D.2. Campus Visit from Governor Greg Abbott
9.D.3. DREAM Conference 2023
9.D.4. Unlocking Opportunity: Aspen Institute
9.D.5. Black History Month Activities
10. Adjournment - Mr. Gary Johnson