February 4, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting zoom live @ https://zoom.us/j/6282465945?pwd=aE9XWUpGaFA3a1JtWTVpYVZzZE4wUT09 Meeting ID: 628 246 5945 Passcode OKTaNb
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
2. Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum
3. Call to Order: This meeting has been posted in accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meeting Act
4. Open Forum
5. Information
5.A. Administrative Reports
5.A.1. Superintendent's Report
6. Action Items
6.A. Consider and Approve Budget Amendment(s).
6.B. Consider and Approve Proposal from O'Connor Engineering & Science, Inc. to Provide Asbestos Abatement and Consulting Services for the Benavides Junior High Building.
6.C. Consider and Approve Quote for Bleachers for the Softball Field and Baseball Field.
6.D. Consider and Approve Bids for Maintenance Work on School Grounds.
6.E. Consider and Approve Quote from Qualified & Licensed Electrician for Electrical Work Needed at the Welding Building.
The Board will enter into Closed Session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code 551.074 to Deliberate and Consider the Following:
1. Personnel
1.A. Consider Resignation/Retirement of Personnel
1.A.1. Professionals
1.A.2. Para-Professionals
1.B. Consider Reassignment of Personnel
1.B.1. Professionals
1.B.2. Para-Professionals
1.C. Consider Hiring of Personnel
1.C.1. Professionals
1.C.2. Para-Professionals
1.D. Discussion & Possible Action on Personnel Issues
1.E. Discuss District Contract/Legal Matters with School Attorney
1.F. Discuss Student Issues
Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Closed Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
1. Personnel
1.A. Consider Resignation/Retirement of Personnel
1.A.1. Professionals
1.A.2. Para-Professionals
1.B. Consider Reassignment of Personnel
1.B.1. Professionals
1.B.2. Para-Professionals
1.C. Consider Hiring of Personnel
1.C.1. Professionals
1.C.2. Para-Professionals
1.D. Discussion & Possible Action on Personnel Issues
1.E. Discuss District Contract/Legal Matters with School Attorney
1.F. Discuss Student Issues
Closing Business
1. The Board May Set Dates for Special Meetings and Hearings and Information Regarding Other Special Dates
2. Agenda Items: Members of the Board May Submit Requests or Information to be Considered at the Next Regular Board Meeting
3. Members of the Board of Trustees' Comments or Announcements