May 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Invocation and Pledge to the Flag
3. Administer Oath of Office to Elected Board Members
Kay Neu, Notary Public, will administer the Oath of Office to newly elected board members.
4. Reorganization of the Board
4.A. Elect President
4.B. Elect Vice-President
4.C. Elect Secretary
5. Recognition
5.A. Leopard Pride Students of the Month
5.B. State Qualifiers
5.C. New Teachers Academy
LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent of HR
5.D. Aspiring Leaders Academy
Dana Dudenhoeffer, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction
6. Audience Items
Public Comment on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
7. Superintendent Report
7.A. Enrollment and Attendance
7.B. GISD End of the Year Events
7.C. Team of Eight Board Training
7.D. June Budget Workshop
8. Information Items
8.A. Student Health Advisory Council Update
Paula Parkhill, SHAC Member
8.B. Curriculum and Instruction Update
Dana Dudenhoeffer, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction
8.C. Hiring Update
LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent of HR
8.D. 2022-2023 Budget Update and Fund Balance Projection
Alyce Greer, Director of Finance
8.E. Nominations for TASB Board Position - Region 11C
9. Action Items
9.A. Consider and Possible Approval to Change the June Regular Meeting Date to Tuesday, June 20th
9.B. Consider and Possible Approval of Resilient Intelligent Networks, LLC Fund Year 2023 E-Rate Program Category Two Proposal
9.C. Consider and Possible Approval of GISD 2023-2024 Contracted Services with ESC Region 11.
9.D. Consider and Possible Approval to Renew Memorandum of Understanding with Lil' Leopards Learning Daycare to use GISD Buses
9.E. Consider and Possible Approval of RFQ 230425 for Financial Auditing Services with Hankins, Deaton, Tonn, Seay, and Scarbrough.
9.F. Consider and Possible Approval of Engagement Letter for Financial Auditing Services with Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn, Seay, and Scarbrough for the 2022-2023 Financial Audit.
9.G. Consider and Possible Approval of the Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Architecture, Inc for Groundwater Depth Testing at 900 N. Grand.
9.H. Consider and Possible Approval of G2 General Contractors Quote for Corridor Paint, Repairs, and the Installation of Corner Guards at Chalmers Elementary.
9.I. Consider and Possible Approval of G2 General Contractors Quote for Corridor Paint, Repairs, and the Installation of Corner Guards at Gainesville Intermediate.
10. Consent Items
10.A. Minutes of Regular, April 17, 2023
10.B. Monthly Bill List
10.C. Financial Statement
10.D. AUI Partners, LLC Payment Application No. 2 - GISD Ag Facility Expansion
10.E. JC Commercial, Inc Payment Application No. 16 - GISD Warehouse & Distribution Center
10.F. Eikon Invoice 15022.22-6 GISD Ag Facility Expansion
10.G. Building Solutions Invoice #8340 - GISD Facilities Assessment
11. Executive Session
11.A. Personnel Considerations TGC 551.074
11.A.1. Teacher Contract Recommendations
11.A.2. Hiring of Professional Personnel
12. Reconvene in Open Session for Any Necessary Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session
13. Adjourn