September 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledges of Allegiance
IV. Request for Approval of Agenda
V. Citizen’s Forum
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings, Budget Amendment, Approve Investments & Bank Accounts Report, Approve Check Payments List Excluding Checks-59470, 59476, and 59533
VI.B. Approve Lentz-Edwards Conflict of Interest Checks - 59470, 59476, and 59533
VII. KISD 2023 Bond Update by Todd Lewis of Gallagher & Associates
VIII. Discuss and Consider Bond Planning and Take Action as Necessary to Carry Out These Plans
IX. Discuss and Consider Approving Purchase of District Radios
X. Information Items
X.A. Financial Report-2023-2024
X.B. Financial Report-2024-2025
X.C. KISD Monthly Enrollment Report August, 2024
X.D. KISD Monthly Work Orders August, 2024
X.E. Utility Usage
X.F. TASA/TASB Convention - September 26, 2024 - September 29, 2024, San Antonio, Texas
X.G. Ad Valorem Taxes Monthly Statement of Collections
X.H. Superintendent Discussion
X.I. Student Enrollment Update
XI. Leadership Team Times
XII. Correspondence
XIII. Recess
XIV. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Following Sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.076 and 551.129: Personnel matters related to the consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, contract extension, reassignment and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors, and Principals. Discussion regarding purchase, exchange, lease, or contemplated litigation and/or privileged legal advice. Discussion regarding matters of safety and security.
XV. Reconvene in Open Session:
a. Consider and take possible action related to the personnel matters related to the consultation, employment, resignation, evaluation, contract extension, reassignment, and duties of a public official or employee(s); including but not limited to Superintendent, Business Manager, Directors and Principals. b. Consider and take possible action on Board Policy CKC (Local) and Board Policy GKA (Local) with respect to written authorization to possess a firearm while on school premises, grounds, buildings, or passenger transportation vehicle ("the Guardian Program"). c. Consider and take possible action on guidelines, application for participation, and procedures relating to the Guardian Program. d. Consider and take possible action to approve a resolution authorizing intervention in the accountability lawsuit against the State of Texas. |
XVI. Adjournment