September 10, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
I.A. Roll Call - Establish Quorum
II. Recess Regular Meeting-convene in Closed Session
III. Executive/Closed Meeting
III.A. Texas Government Code 551.072 Real Estate
III.B. Texas Government Code Section 551.074 Personnel
III.B.I. Recommendations for hire
III.B.II. Resignations
IV. Reconvene Regular Meeting @ 7:00 PM
V. Invocation
VI. Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America
VII. Open Forum
The public is invited to speak to the Board; this is a listening opportunity only for the board. No action will be taken.
VIII. Campus Spotlight
VIII.A. Davis Elementary
IX. Superintendent's Report
IX.A. Enrollment Update
Superintendent Kevin Worthy
IX.B. Band Hall Expansion Rendition
Claycomb & Associates George DeJohn
IX.C. Accountability Update
Assistant Superintendent Julia Robinson
IX.D. Curriculum Newsletter, September 2018
Assistant Superintendent, Julia Robinson
IX.E. Announcements
IX.E.I. September 17, 2018, 6:00 p.m. - Board Training/Dinner at Sunnyvale Middle School
IX.E.II. September 20, 2018 - North Texas Day of Giving
IX.E.III. September 28-30, 2018 - TASA/TASB Conference
IX.E.IV. October 5, 2018 - 11:00 am Hall of Fame Luncheon @ Occasions at Stone River
IX.E.V. October 15, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting
IX.E.VI. October 17, 2018, 6:30 p.m. - Homecoming Pep Rally
IX.E.VII. October 18, 2018, 6:00 p.m. - Joint Meeting with City of Royse City
IX.E.VIII. October 29, 2018, 6:00 p.m. - Board Work Session
IX.E.IX. November 12, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting
IX.E.X. November 26, 2018, 6:00 p.m. - Board Work Session
IX.E.XI. December 10, 2018 - Regular Board Meeting
X. Consent Agenda
X.A. Approve minutes of prior meetings
X.B. Monthly Financial Reports
X.C. Approved Vendor List
X.D. Purchase Over $ 25,000 in accordance with Board Policy CH Local
X.E. Budget Amendment Report
XI. Discussion-Action Items
XI.A. Action on any items(s) removed from the Consent Agenda
XI.B. Action resulting from Closed Session
XI.C. Consider approval of that Real Estate Sales Contract with the City of Fate, Texas for the sale of 19 acres, more or less, to the City, and authorize the Board President to execute the deed and the Superintendent or designee to execute the Contract and all other documents necessary to consummate the sale to the City.
XI.D. Consider and possible action to approve application for participation in Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Security System program (Texas CLASS).
Chief Financial Officer Byron Bryant
XI.E. Consider and possible action to approve changes in the Royse City ISD Emergency Operations Plan and the addition of the Specific Hazard Annex for Train Derailments.
Director of Student Services/Safety and Security Lloyd Blaine
XI.F. Consider discussion and possible action of Board Member's Policy and Procedure Manual - Chapter on "Board Members Request for Additional Information."
XII. Reports-Information Items
XII.A. Board Members' Comments
XIII. Reconvene into Closed Session if necessary
XIV. Adjournment