March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Invocation
2. Recognitions
3. Public Comments/Personal Interviews
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes of previous meeting/s
4.B. Tax Collector's Report
4.C. Transfer List
4.D. Vehicle Maintenance Report
5. Financial Report
6. Budget and Finance Advisory Committee Update
7. Consideration and possible approval of the Order of Cancelation of the general election for the Board of Trustees election for May 3, 2025. Considerar para su possible aprobacion la Orden de cancelation de last elecciones generales programadas para el 3 de mayo de 2025 para elegit a miembros del consejo.
8. Consideration and possible approval of the certification of unopposed candidates for the General Election for the Broad of Trustees election for May 3, 2025. Considerar para su possible aprobacion la Certification de candidators unicos para last elecciones generales programadas para el 5 mayo de 2025 para elegit a miembros del consejo.
9. Consideration to approve District Student Insurance.
10. Consideration of approval to renew food service contract for the 2025-26 school year, pending TDA approval of the contract
11. Consideration of approval for the purchase and installation of various outdoor signage.
12. Discussion and possible action on Bus #33
13. Consideration of approval to upgrade district-wide door system
14. Annual Board Calendar
15. Communications and Reports
15.A. Mrs. Wilson
15.A.1. Enrollment
15.A.2. Dress Code
15.A.3. Parent Survey Results
15.A.4. Parent/Teacher Conferences
15.B. Mr. Martin
15.B.1. Enrollment
15.B.2. Dress Code
15.B.3. Parent Survey Results
15.B.4. Parent/Teacher Conferences
15.B.5. UIL Academics
15.B.6. Spring Band Concert
15.C. Coach Cornelius
15.C.1. Athletic Director's Report
15.D. Mr. Harrell
15.D.1. April Board Meetings: April 7 HB 1566 Training 5pm & Regular Meeting 6:30
15.D.2. SLI June 11-14 in San Antonio; June 18-21 in Ft Worth
15.D.3. TASB Board Convention September 11-13, 2025 in Houston
15.E. Board Communications
16. Consideration of action on renewal/termination of term contracts for classroom teachers, counselors, and nurse
17. Personnel
18. Consideration of approval of the Superintendent's Compensation Plan for 2025-26 school year
19. Adjournment
20. Benediction