January 8, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
5. Special Recognition
5.A. School Board Recognition Month
5.B. Calhoun High School Child Nutrition Department Healthy High School Challenge
6. Audience With Individuals Making a Report or Request
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes of December 11, 2017 Board Meeting
7.B. Financial Statement for November 2017
7.C. Budget Amendments for 2017-2018
7.D. Consider Extension of Interlocal Cooperation Contract with City of Port Lavaca
7.E. Consider/Approve TEA State Waivers for Low Attendance Days for Travis Middle School on November 10, 2017 and Calhoun County ISD for December 8, 2017
8. Regular Agenda
8.A. Public Hearing for Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
8.B. Consider/Approve 2016-2017 Financial Audit
8.C. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Bond Projects Status and Bond Budget Update
8.C.1. Summary of Financial Activity and Financial Forecast
8.C.2. Summary of Design & Construction and Planned Activities
8.C.2.a. Consider/Approve Change Request for Handicap Seating at Sandcrab Stadium
8.C.2.b. Consider/Approve Furniture for Travis Middle School
8.C.2.c. Consider/Approve HVAC for Gym II at Calhoun High School
8.D. Local Policy Changes, Affecting (LOCAL) Policy CO:Food Service Management
9. Information Items
9.A. Superintendent's Reports
9.A.1. Enrollment/Attendance Reports
9.B. Donations/Grants Report
10. Closed Meeting
10.A. 551.074 - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties,discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
10.A.1. Consider Employment and Resignations of CCISD Personnel.
10.A.1.a. Superintendent
10.A.1.a.1. Appointment of Interim Superintendent
11. Reconvene From Closed Meeting and Take Any Action Deemed Necessary Based Upon Discussion in Closed Meeting
12. Adjournment