April 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order, Roll Call, Establishment of a Quorum, and recognition of Citizens
2. Invocation
3. Recognitions:
3.A. All-State Basketball players
3.B. TMSCA State Qualifiers
4. Community /Public Forum:
5. Superintendent's Report:
5.A. Traffic Safety
6. Assistant Superintendent's Report:
6.A. Academic Calendar
7. Business Manager's Report:
8. Consent Agenda Items:
8.A. Approve minutes of March meeting
8.B. Approve bills
8.C. Approve budget amendments
8.D. Consider and take action to adopt revisions to Policy EI(LOCAL) Academic Achievement.
Goal 4: The percent of annual graduates that meet criteria on Advanced Placement tests will increase from 1% to 21% by summer 2026. |
8.E. Consider and take action to adopt revisions to Policy EIC(LOCAL) - Academic Achievement - Grading/Progress Reports to Parents.
Goal 4: The percent of annual graduates that meet criteria on Advanced Placement tests will increase from 1% to 21% by summer 2026. |
8.F. Consider and take action to adopt revisions to Policy EIE(LOCAL) - Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion.
Goal 4: The percent of annual graduates that meet criteria on Advanced Placement tests will increase from 1% to 21% by summer 2026. |
9. Closed Session (A Closed Session may be held under the Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084 at anytime during the meeting by the board president or vice president)
10. Action Items:
10.A. Personnel
10.A.1. Consider Shallowater ISD and HONDA probationary and non-certified personnel.
10.A.2. Hire personnel for open positions for the 2022-2023 school year.
10.B. Consider and approve changes to the 22-23 Academic Calendar.
Goal 2: By Summer 2026, SISD will achieve an All Student level performance of 75% in Meets Grade Level standard in 3rd grade Reading and Math. |
10.C. Review and approve update to Transfer Student Procedures.
10.D. Consider and approve purchasing up to 5 school buses in the amount of $350,000.
Goal 1: SISD will plan for efficient and safe movement of students on school grounds from drop-off throughout the day until pickup. |
10.E. Consider and approve authorization of the Superintendent to negotiate financing of 2 Ultra Coachliner trip buses in the amount of $720,000.
Goal 6: Shallowater ISD will maintain a transparent and balanced budget while supporting academic and extracurricular excellence and expanding resources for students and staff, earning state and national recognitions. |
10.F. Consider and approve purchase of swine livestock trailer in the amount of $60,000.
Goal 6: Shallowater ISD will maintain a transparent and balanced budget while supporting academic and extracurricular excellence and expanding resources for students and staff, earning state and national recognitions. |
11. Information Items:
11.A. Resignations
11.B. Review School Board Members Continuing Education report.
11.C. Summer Board Meeting Dates
11.D. Graduation Information
12. Adjournment