April 28, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular - Video Conference
Agenda |
1. (OTHER) First Order of Business
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
1.A. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States
2. (OTHER) Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Rosa Vega-Barrio, Superintendent
3. (OTHER) District Recognitions
3.A. National Assistant Principals Week April 5th - 9th, 2021
LSG Students
3.B. National School Library Month
LSG Students
3.C. School Administrative Assistants Day - April 21, 2021
LSG Students
3.D. Employee Recognition
LSG Students
4. (OTHER) Open Forum
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
5. (VISION Y) Information / Reports / Presentations
5.A. Financial Reports - Information Only
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
5.B. Quarterly Investment Report
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
5.C. Fund Balance - Information Only
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
6. (VISION Y) Board Items
6.A. Purchases > $10,000 threshold - Authorization
6.A.1. Consider Approval of Western States Fire Protection Purchase
Mr. Rene Estrada, Maintenance/Transportation Director
6.B. Consider Approval of Tornillo ISD 2021-2022 School Year for Certified Term, Certified Probationary, and Non-Certified Employment Contracts
Ms. Lizeth Carroll, HR / Compliance Director
6.C. Consider Approval of Alternative Medical Plan to TRS Activecare
Ms. Lizeth Carroll, HR / Compliance Director
6.D. Consider Approval of Allotment and TEKS Certification
Mr. Rodrigo Portillo, Assistant Superintendent
6.E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Far West Texas School Boards Association Officer Nomination
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
6.F. Discussion and Possible Action of Employee COVID Relief Stipend $500 - $1,000
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
6.G. Consider Approval of District of Innovation Plan Amendment
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
7. (STRUCTURE) Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
7.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings:
7.A.1. Virtual Regular Board Meeting Minutes - 03/31/2021
7.B. Consider Approval of DNA (LOCAL) - 1st Reading
Mrs. Rosa Vega-Barrio, Superintendent
7.C. Consider Approval of the ESC 19 Texas Student Data Systems (TSDS), Support Cooperative 2021-2022 Memorandum of Understanding
Ms. Imelda Garcia, PEIMS/Attendance Coordinator
7.D. Consider Approval of Disposal of Equipment
Mr. Carlos Garcia, Director of Technology
7.E. Consider Approval of Donations
Mr. Luis M. Guerra, Director of Finance
7.F. Consider Approval of Board Constraint Progress Monitoring #1: The board shall not be involved in the day to day operations of the school district.
8. Lone Star Governance
8.A. Student Outcome Monitoring: Goal 3
8.A.1. Tornillo High School - GPM 3.1 & 3.2
Mrs. Elizabeth Otero, THS Assistant Principal
8.B. Senior Academic Performance Update
Mrs. Elizabeth Otero, THS Assistant Principal
8.C. (Accountability 2) Review, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Board's Time Use Tracker
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
9. (ADVOCACY) Community Engagement on Student Outcome Goals
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
10. (OTHER) Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, to consult with attorney, under Sections 551.071 and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
10.A. Conduct Annual Evaluation of Superintendent
10.B. Discussion on Superintendent's Employment Contract and Possible Amendments.
11. (STRUCTURE) Continuation of Board Items in Open Session
11.A. Discussion and possible action on annual evaluation of Superintendent
11.B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Employment Contract and Possible Amendments
12. Next Meeting Tentative Date: May 26, 2021
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Agenda Posted: Friday, April 23, 2021 - 5:30 PM