November 20, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
4. Information
4.A. Enroll El Paso Organization - Inform Communities of Affordable Care Act (Obama Care)
Frank Vasquez
4.B. District Parent Liaison
Claudia Castro
5. Approve minutes from previous meetings
6. Financial Items
Blanca Cruz, Business Manager
6.A. Financial Reports - Information Only
6.B. Purchases > $10,000 threshold - Authorization
6.C. Budget Amendments
7. Facilities Report
Jose Ramirez, Facilities Director
7.A. Chiller
7.B. Disposal of School Property
7.C. Change Orders
8. Board Items
8.A. Consider approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the El Paso Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program and the Tornillo ISD
Dr. Michael Quatrini, Interim Superintendent
8.B. TASB Policy 98 Update (1ST READING)
Javier Escalante, Board President
8.C. Central Appraisal District Board of Directors Election
Mr. Javier Escalante, Board President
8.D. District/Campus Improvement Plans
Margaret Ruybe, HS Principal
8.D.1. District
8.D.2. High School
8.D.3. Junior High
8.D.4. Intermediate
8.D.5. Elementary
8.D.6. HOPE
8.E. School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
Dr. Quatrini, Interim Superintendent
8.F. Consider revision to the 2013-2014 District Calendar to include early release days
Dr. Quatrini, Interim Superintendent
9. Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, to consult with attorney, to discuss real estate
matters, to consider recommendations or hiring personnel or termination
of personnel and other personnel matters under Sections 551.071, 551.072
and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
9.A. Consider Level III Grievance of Paul Vranish - payment of employee portion of benefits
9.B. Consider Level III Grievance of Paul Vranish - request for additional compensation and reimbursement
9.C. Consider Reorganization of the Board by electing new Board Officers
10. Next Meeting Tentative Date: December 18, 2013
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Friday, November 15, 2013 5:00PM