February 27, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
4. Information
4.A. Honors/Recognition
4.A.1. Basketball Team
4.A.2. Student/Staff
4.B. Internet for employees and board members
5. Approve minutes from previous meetings
6. Financial Items
6.A. Requisition > $10,000
6.A.1. Central Office
6.A.1.a. GRP -November & December Audit
6.A.1.b. El Paso County Election Services
6.A.1.c. Early College Tuition
6.A.2. Junior High
6.A.2.a. Library Books
6.A.3. High School
6.A.3.a. PC Mall -Computers
6.B. Payables - Review and approve payable list
6.C. Budget Amendments
7. Board Items
7.A. School Calendars
7.B. Corrective Action Plan submitted to TEA
7.C. Authorize administration to pay accounts payable when due (except amounts over $10,000 which require board approval) and provide a report to the board each month
8. Consider selection of architect for high school cafeteria project
9. Consider selection of accounting firm to conduct forensic audit
10. Executive Session
10.A. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss personnel matters, to consult with attorney regarding Castanon v. Tornillo ISD and Flores v. Tornillo litigation, to consult with attorney regarding overpayment to Paul Vranish, to discuss real estate matters, report from attorney regarding approval to sublease to Region 19 ESC from UT System and to consider recommendations for nonrenewal or termination of personnel under Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code
11. The Board will take action on the following matters discussed in Executive Session:
11.A. Consider nonrenewal of probationary contract employee
11.B. Consider termination of "at will" employee
11.C. Consider attorney's recommendation regarding Castanon v. Tornillo ISD and Flores v. Tornillo ISD
11.D. Report from attorney regarding overpayment to Paul Vranish and recovery of amounts due School District
12. Next Meeting Tentative Date: March 27, 2013
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Friday, February 22, 2013