April 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Presentations
3.A. Success Stories
3.A.1. Students
3.A.1.a. One Act Play All Star Cast: Kinsleigh Vranish
3.A.1.b. Tennis Team District Champions
3.A.1.b.1. Tennis Boys District Champion: Jesse Guerra (3 Consecutive Years)
3.A.1.b.2. Tennis Girls District Champion: Evelyn Godinez
3.A.1.b.3. Tennis Boys Doubles District Champions: Andrew Garcia / Danny Garcia
3.A.1.b.4. Tennis Girls Doubles District Champions: Lily Guerra / Jenny Hernandez
3.A.1.c. UIL Regional Contestants
3.A.1.c.1. Accounting Team: Yesenia Gandara, Eric Perez, Valerie Alonso
3.A.1.c.2. Computer Science Team: Valerie Alonso, Rachel Aguilar, Yanelly Ayala
3.A.1.c.3. Persuasive Speaking: Kinsleigh Vranish
3.A.2. Employees
3.A.2.a. Austin Legislative Meeting
3.A.2.b. NSBA Conference
3.A.2.c. ESC 19 Bus Road - eo
3.B. Far West - TASB Training - April 28th
4. Minutes from previous meetings
5. Financial reports, budget, taxation, amendments
5.A. Budget amendments
5.B. Monthly reports
6. Stipend chart revisions, pay rate chart, positions / slots
7. Personnel: Renewal of contract personnel, contract terminations / non-renewals, personnel issues
8. Superintendent
8.A. Goals for 2012 Superintendent appraisal
8.B. No other items
9. Board members add items to future meetings
9.A. Next meeting: Wednesday - May 24, 2011
9.B. Items for next agenda
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April 16, 2011