October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Dusty Wiley
2. INVOCATION: Mr. Dusty Wiley
3. Action Item: Consideration of Consent Agenda
A consent agenda is an item listed on the regular agenda that groups routine items under one agenda heading. This allows the Board to take a unified motion and action on all routine items listed under the consent agenda instead of taking separate votes on each item.
4. Comment: Public Comment
At regular meetings, the Board shall allot up to thirty (30) minutes to hear persons who desire to make comments to the Board. Persons who wish to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up as they arrive, indicating the topics about which they wish to speak.
Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a meeting. At all other times during Board meetings, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board. No presentation shall exceed five (5) minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present their view before the Board. Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board may not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda. Presentations which include negative comments/complaints regarding personnel should be heard in Executive Session as provided by Texas Government Code Section 551.074. This will insure the protection of the rights and responsibilities of all persons involved. |
5. Report: Campus and Administrative Reports
6. Report: Quarterly Investment Report
Yolanda Hawkins
The Board is required by Legal Board Policy to review the investment report as defined in our local policy. Our policy states it will be reviewed quarterly. This is information only and no action is required.
7. Action Item: Review/ Approve Investment Policy
Yolanda Hawkins
In accordance with Board Policy, the Board shall review the investment policy and strategies not less than annually and shall document its review in writing.
There are no suggested changes to the policy. A copy of the policy is attached. |
8. Action item: Resolution to approve the 2023 Tax Roll
Yolanda Hawkins
In accordance with the State Property Tax Code, 26.09 (e) the Board must adopt a resolution each year approving the tax roll for the said year. The resolution and corresponding Levy summary are attached.
9. Action Item: Approval of Proposed Revision to DEC(Local) Policy addressing Compensation and Benefits, Leave and Absences
Darrian Dover
10. Action Item: Amend 199 13 budget for Reg 8 services--Leadership Development Coop
Yolanda Hawkins
This is a service provided by Region 8 for professional development, technical support, and networking for campus and district leaders. We have been a part of this coop service for several years and it is needed to secure training at an easy location and for reasonable pricing. We originally budgeted it to 211 (Federal Fund). After reviewing the 211 rollover from last year, as well as this year's salaries with increased benefits, there was not enough money in the Federal Fund to absorb this cost.
11. Executive Session as provided for by the Texas Government Code Section
551.074 et seq. to Discuss Personnel Future Planning |
12. Action Item: Personnel
A. Resignations/Leave B. Hiring/Reassignment
Stuart Proctor turned in his resignation at the high school campus.
13. Discuss and agree upon a date for the next regular board meeting
14. Action Item: Adjournment