November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Called to order by Maria Saenz Garza at 7:00pm
Maria Garza, Board President
2. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Present: Marcos Garcia, Jessica Molina, Maria Garza, Dr. Marcela Baez, Julie Garcia (701pm) Zelda Saenz (729pm), Steven Perez Absent: Dr. Arnold Barrera |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Steven Perez leads pledge. |
4. Student/Staff Recognitions
Elementary- Principal Bobby Galvan recognizes Amaya Cabrera (6th grade). Student shows growth and has improved academically. Assisted with Thanksgiving luncheon. Secondary- Principal LD Johnson introduces HS senior Malory Saenz and parents Christina Gutierrez and Ernest Hinojosa. Student is part of the medical assistant program. Has 15 successful draws. Wants to pursue career in nursing once she graduates college. Student enjoys driving and doing her nails. Staff Recognition- LD Johnson introduces HS teacher of the month, History teacher Skaggs and staff member Poebe Molina. Both chosen by administration for achieving student success.
Mr. Johnson & Mr. Galvan
5. Consent Agenda
In order to promote efficient meetings, the Board may act upon more than one item by a single vote through the use of consent agenda. Consent items shall be items placed on the agenda for which no Board discussion is anticipated and for which the superintendent recommends approval. Prior to the meeting, at the request of any member of the Board of Trustees, any item on the consent agenda shall be removed and given individual consideration. Requests must be directed to either the President of the Board of Trustees or the Superintendent. |
5.A. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes 10/11/22
Julie Garcia Ramos mentions typos on minutes, suggests reviewing before submitting to board for approval.
Maria Garza, President
5.B. Approval of Monthly Tax Collection Report
Motioned by Steven Perez to approve report. Second by Jessica Molina
In favor: Marcos Garcia, Jessica Molina, Steven Perez, Julie Garcia Ramos, Maria Saenz GarzaMotion carries 5-0
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
6. Public Comments/Open Forum
Jose Joey Soliz: States concern with having two meetings. Questions why. Mentions the process of canvassing the votes, swearing in new members, then having meetings. Hopes that things are done right when new members are sworn in. Also disagrees with purchase of new 2023 Suburban. States that students need new books, not brand new vehicles |
7. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.A. School Board Service Recognitions
Recognizes Zelda Saenz for 10 years of service to the board. Maria Saenz Garza thanks board members for their time served.
Dr. Marcy Baez
Discusses responsibilities of board members. Thanks board members for their hard work and dedication to the students. Thanks outgoing board members for their service.
7.B. UIL State Championships Marching Band
Recognizes Mr. Hillie and the marching band for making it to the state competition. Maria Saenz Garza mentions having the band present at the next board meeting for recognition. Steven Perez mentions that there were 201 2A school districts and BBPB was in the top 18 with 43 band members and 11 8th graders.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.C. BBPB Blood Drive
Dr. Baez recognizes Ms. Moncada and NHS for hosting blood drive on campus. Many students donated.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.D. BBPB Football Playoffs
Dr. Baez recognizes Mr. Cunningham and the football team for advancing to playoffs. Team played Refugio.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.E. Texas Department of Agriculture Audit
An onsite visit is set for the first week in December. Will report findings back to board.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.F. Veteran's Day Celebration
Dr. Baez thanks LD and Bobby for their hard work in putting on the Veteran's Day celebration. Also thanks Ms. Munoz and Ms. Moncada for including students in program. Maria Saenz Garza mentions website that included pictures of local veterans and states that it was a nice gesture.
Dr. Marcy Baez
7.G. Implementation of new phone system
HS porting happened over the weekend. Dr. Baez thanks Dr. Gutierrez and Carlos Sanchez for checking off another safety task on the district checklist. Waiting on new PA system and new doors including perimeter doors. The government is partnering with TEA to align safety requirements. The goal is to meet compliance and ensure the safety of students and staff. After thanksgiving break TCLAS after school program to begin. Introduces Claudia Morales as coordinator. Mentions that this is a district wide initiative. Watch dog program (Dads of Great Students). Kickoff meeting held on Wednesday 11/16. Turnout was great. Booster club update, meeting with reps from different groups and working through formalizing of paperwork. New online information for STAAR and EOC. Successful Thanksgiving luncheon. Thanks parents and guardians for bringing students and trusting BBPB with their kids. Children's success is our success. |
8. Information Items and Reports
Maria Garza, President
8.A. Carlisle Insurance Presentation
Baez welcomes Chase and Andres. Chase speaks on behalf of the administration in property casualty insurance. Mentions Palito Blanco campus inspections and concerns. Elementary was removed from property coverage. Inspections show damage to roofs due to water damage and it cannot continue to be covered. Will reimburse September's payment for elementary coverage. Mentions third party to assess how much it would be to rebuild the roof. Will report findings to the board. Carlisle insurance is a broker and hires third parties to inspect. Julie Garcia Ramos questions the cost of the insurance prior to renewal. 17k to come back to the district for coverage of locations no longer covered. 14 buildings are not on policy.
Chase Carlisle & Andrew Lankford
8.B. BBPB HS Academic Update and Campus Improvement Plan
LD Johnson discusses professional development. Rediscovering our "why" and discussing goals. Maria mentions appreciation for goals aligning with district goals.
Ld Johnson
8.C. BBPB Elementary Academic Update and Campus Improvement Plan
Bobby Galvan discusses an improvement plan and areas of focus.
Bobby Galvan
8.D. Special Education Update
Liz Kalinec gives update on SPED. Attended IDA conference. Discussed STAAR ALT2 deadline in January for SPED students to participate in STAAR testing. States performance plans. Mentions being in compliance with state. No action needed.
Liz Kalinec
8.E. Financial Updates
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.1. Jim Wells County Tax Resale
Dr. Gutierrez discusses correspondence regarding property behind on taxes.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.2. Addition of Traci Gomez as an authorized bank administrator
Requests that she be added in the case of Dr. Baez or Dr. Gutierrez not available to approve.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.3. Budget Amendments and Rationale
Discussed indirect cost rates.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.4. Addition of District Fleet
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.5. Covid Support Grant
* Applied and awarded 20k health grant Discussed grant allocations.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.6. Silent Panic Alarm Technology Grant
* Applied and awarded $3,809.00 Discussed grant amount awarded.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.7. TEA Safety and Security Grant
Applying for $200,000 (formula funded) grant which allows for pre-award purchases such as doors. Discussed grant expectations.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.8. ESSER Grant Expenditures
A. Teacher desktop and laptop upgrades B. Addition of student chromebooks C. Addition of 20 classroom smartboards D. HVAC systems Discussed potential purchases.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.9. T-Class High Quality After-School Program Grant
A. Coordinator Salary B. Teacher tutorials/Club Sponsors C. Enrichment opportunities for students Discussed program support.
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.10. Monthly Check Register
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.E.11. Comparison of Revenue to Budget Board Report
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
8.F. Maintenance & Operation Update
Benjamin Barrera discussed a recap of what has been completed from October to now.
Benjamin Barrera
9. Board Action Items
Maria Garza, President
9.A. Consideration and Approval of BBPB Campus Improvement Plans
Marcos Garcia motions to approve campus improvement plans. Steven Perez seconds. Motion carries 5-1 Oppose: Maria Saenz Garza
Maria Garza, Board President
9.B. Resolution Authorizing Tax Resale
Julie Garcia Ramos motions authorizing tax resale property at $4500.00. Marcos Garcia seconds. Motion carries 6-0
Dr. Alexis Gutierrez
9.C. Consideration and Approval of Traci Gomez as an authorized bank user
Motion by Marcos Garcia to approve adding Traci Gomez as authorized bank representative. Jessica Molina seconds. Motion carries 6-0
Maria Garza, President
9.D. Consideration and Approval of a new District vehicle: 2023 Chevy Suburban
Motion to postpone by Marcos Garcia, requests 3 bids. Second by Zelda Saenz.
In favor: Julie Garcia Ramos, Marcos Garcia, Zelda SaenzMotion 3-2 -1 Oppose: Steven Perez, Jessica Molina Abstain: Maria Saenz Garza
Maria Garza, President
9.E. Consideration and Approval of a used Ford 150 Pick Up for maintenance and operation
Marcos Garcia motions to postpone and table. Prefers new truck over used with 49k miles. Zelda Saenz seconds. Motion carries 6-0
Maria Garza, President
9.F. Consideration and Approval to increase funds for the transportation department, central office, and business office to cover the purchase of vehicles, staff professional development and bank requisition contracting services budget amendments
Motion by Steven Perez to increase funds for transportation, central offie, and business office. Second by Jessica Molina. Motion carries 5-1 In favor: Steven Perez, Jessica Molina, Maria Saenz Garza, Julie Garcia Ramos, Marcos Garcia Oppose: Zelda Saenz
Maria Garza, President
9.G. Consider and Approval of SHAC committee
School Health Advising Committee Motion by Marcos Garcia to approve SHAC. Second by Steven Perez. Motion carries 6-0
Dr. Marcy Baez
10. Executive Session
Marcos Garcia does not attend. Suggests that superintendent evaluation tool should be considered by NEW board members in January. Julie Ramos also does not attend. Zelda Saenz does not attend. States that she will not be a member in January (941pm) |
10.A. Discussion on employment, reassignments, proposed nonrenewals, nonrenewals, proposed terminations, terminations, resignations, letters on personnel and retirements of contract and at will employees.
10.B. Discussion regarding Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Dr. Marcy Baez
11. ACTION ITEM - Consideration of items discussed in Executive Session
11.A. Approval on employment, reassignments, proposed nonrenewals, nonrenewals, proposed terminations, terminations, resignations, letters on personnel and retirements of contract and at will employees.
Maria Garza, Board President
11.B. Approval of Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Maria Garza, Board President
12. Adjournment
No executive session held Steven Perez motions to adjourn meeting. Jessica Molina seconds All in favor: Maria Saenz Garza, Jessica Molina, Steven Perez Adjourns at 942pm |