March 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. First Order of Business
1.A. Establish a Quorum
1.B. Moment of Silence
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Comments from Public in Open Forum
3. Announcements/Communications/Presentations
3.A. Student and Staff of the Month Recognitions
3.B. Principal Reports
3.C. Athletic Director Report
3.D. Band Reports
3.E. Superintendent Update
4. Discuss and present Roof Status & Proposal - Travis Jones
5. Consider and take possible action on roof proposal
6. Discuss and take possible action on Board Resolution to nominate Superintendent of the Year.
7. Discuss Blue Bonnet Curriculum
8. Discuss and Review 2025-2026 Student Transfers
9. Discuss and take possible action on District Goals
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Finance Reports
10.B. Minutes for February 24, 2025
10.C. Minutes of Special Meeting March 3, 2025
11.A. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code 551.074, consider and discuss approval of administrator contracts for the 2025-2026 school year.
11.B. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code, 551.074, consider and discuss positions of current personnel
11.C. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code, 551.076, consider and discuss school safety and door audits.
11.D. Pursuant to Tex. Govt. Code, 551.072, consider and discuss facilities usage agreement.
11.E. Pursuant to Texas Government Cod 551.071, Attorney consultation regarding legal issues related to student discipline.
12.A. Consider and take possible action on 2025-2026 administrator contracts
13. Adjournment