July 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Establish Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Welcome Guest/Open Forum
4. Consent Items
4.a. Approve Previous Minutes
4.b. Approve Bills and Credit Card Statement
4.c. Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures
4.d. Accept Donations
4.e. Approve Budget Amendment(s)
5. Ag. Report
6. A.D. Report
7. Principal's Report:
8. Supt's Report:
9. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD Athletic Handbook.
10. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD student handbook.
11. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD Student Code of Conduct.
12. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD Employee handbook.
13. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2024-2025 PISD Grading Procedures Manual.
Consideration and possible action to approve 2023-2024 PISD Grading Procedures Manual.
14. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2024-2025 PISD Attendance Procedures Manual.
15. Consideration and possible action to Approve the Paducah ISD proposed 2024-2025 T-TESS Teacher Appraisal Calendar.
16. Consideration and possible action to approve amending the 2024-2025 PISD School Calendar.
17. Consideration and possible action to approve PISD Professional Development Plan for 2024-2025.
18. Consideration and possible action to approve the Paducah ISD proposed 2024-2025 ESC Region 17 Inter-Local Agreement Contracts.
19. Consideration and possible action to approve Resolution for Extracurricular Status of Cottle County 4-H Organization
20. Consideration and possible action to approve the request for approval of the Adjunct Faculty Agreement between the Cottle County Extension Staff and Paducah ISD regarding the appointment of Cielo Farley as an adjunct staff member of Paducah ISD.
21. Consideration and possible action to approve the Additions/revisions/deletions of local policies resulting from the Policy Review Session conducted on June 5, 2024, with drafts prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list).”
22. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2024-2025 adult breakfast and lunch prices.
23. Consideration and action to approve the date and time for the Public Hearing to review the proposed tax rate and budget for the 2024-2025 school year. (Recommended 8/26/24)
24. Consideration and action to approve the date and time for the annual meeting to set the tax rate and adopt the budget for the 2024-2025 school year. (Recommended 8/26/24)
25. Closed /Executive Session
25.a. Real Property--TGC Chapter 551.072 --Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property, in accordance with 551.072 of the Texas Government Code.
25.b. Personnel- TGC Chapter - 551.074 Deliberate the appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, resignation, discipline, or dismissal of a public employee.
26. Report out of Closed Session.
27. Deliberation and possible action on closing cost and timeline on pending property acquisition at 703 Goodwin/1716 Backus property.
28. Consideration and action to ratify Resignations.
29. Consideration and possible action to approve proposed classroom teaching reassignments.
30. Offer employment contract(s) or Local Teaching Agreement(s) to other certified and/or non-certified professional employment applicant(s) for initial assignment by Superintendent to classroom teaching position(s)
31. Deliberation and possible action to set compensation for District of Innovation Teacher to teach CTE Courses for the 2024-2025 school year.
32. Board President's Report/Future Board Meeting. (Budget Workshop on 8/6/24).
33. Adjourn