November 15, 2005 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Presentation of Colors/Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer - Madderra-Flournoy Students
3. Welcome of special guests
4. Recognition of Students/Employees and/or Programs
4.A. AC Jones Varsity Volleyball Team - D'Amore
5. Public Forum
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consideration and possible approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes and Special Board Meeting Minutes of October 18, 2005 - Cardenas
6.B. Consideration and possible approval of October 2005 Monthly Expenditures - O'Connell
7. Information
7.A. Business Office Report - O'Connell
7.B. Highly Qualified Teacher Reports - Clendennen
7.C. Food Service Report - Rodriguez
7.D. Learner Performance Meetings - Hardwick
7.E. Master Planning Timeline - Bill Branum
8. Discussion Items
9. Action Items
9.A. Consideration and possible approval of Ranking Policy EIC (LOCAL) - McAdoo
9.B. Consideration and possible approval of Board Policy CDC (LOCAL) - Rodriguez
9.C. Consideration and possible approval of staff pay for days missed due to hurricane Rita - Rodriguez
9.D. Consideration and possible approval of TexStar Investments - Kirk Bregman (Info in 10-7-05 Update)
9.E. Consideration and possible approval of Lone Star/First Public Investments - Benny Pounds (Info in 11-10-05 Update)
9.F. Consideration and possible approval of nomination of Bee County Appraisal District Board of Directors - O'Connell
10. Comments and requests for information from the Board of Trustees (the Superintendent will write down the requests and have staff respond)
11. Adjourn to Closed Session
11.A. For the purpose of considering matters for which closed sessions are authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code Sections (.71-084), whereupon the Superintendent at the request of the Board President, will present for the Board's consideration or discussion the following matters:
11.A.1. Discuss purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
11.A.2. Consideration and possible approval of employment of personnel as listed on the personnel action sheet.
11.A.3. Personnel
12. Reconvene in Open Session
12.A. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in closed session.
13. Adjournment