April 21, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
2. Pledge to US Flag/Pledge to Texas Flag
3. Open Forum/Public Comments
4. Student Recognition-CHS CX Debate
5. Consent Agenda
• Approve minutes
• Approve payment of bills • Approve substitute teachers |
6. Presentation and discussion of Technology Update and any necessary budget amendments
7. Discussion and consideration of contract for Driver's Education classes taught at CHS during non-school hours
8. Presentation and discussion of Weight Room improvements and any necessary budget amendments
9. Discussion and consideration of insurance premium increase and any necessary budget amendments
10. Discussion and consideration of declaration of Surplus Property
11. Discussion and consideration of TASB Update 99
12. Discussion and consideration of survey and geo-technical tests at elementary site
13. Update to DEC (LOCAL) Policy
14. Update on Affordable Care Act in relation to substitute teachers
15. Reports
15.A. Superintendent
• Candidate Forum
• TASB SLI • Open House • Bond Update |
15.B. Business Manager
15.C. Principals
15.D. Curriculum Director
15.E. Athletic Director
15.F. Band Director
15.G. Special Populations
16. Executive Session
16.A. Personnel
• Professional contracts
17. Discussion and consideration of renewal/proposed non-renewal of professional contracts
18. Adjournment