November 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
III. Public Comments
IV. Recognition
IV.A. PSJA Lady Bears Volleyball Team
IV.B. PSJA North Boys Cross Country Regional and State Qualifier
V. Consent Agenda Items
V.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
V.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - October 18, 2021
V.A.2. Called School Board Meeting Minutes - October 25, 2021
V.B. Chief of Human Resources Departments
V.B.1. Approve School Board Policies Update 117 Legal and Local Policies
V.B.1.a. CH (Local) - Purchasing and Acquisition
V.B.1.b. CV (Local) - Facilities Construction
V.B.1.c. DEC (Local) - Compensation and Benefits: Leaves and Absences
V.C. Chief Financial Officer Departments
V.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
V.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
V.C.2.a. Approve the proposal for services between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the Palmer Drug Abuse Program/$24,500.00
V.C.2.b. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Southern Industrial Career Center (SICC)/National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) Accredited Training & Education Facility (ATEF) for the 2021-2022 school year/$20,000
V.C.2.c. Approve the contract extension for the Request for Qualifications for Telemedicine and Nurse Practitioner Supervision Services
V.C.2.d. Approve the Request for Proposals for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services for Footsteps to Brilliance, Inc./$158,830
V.C.2.e. Approve the Request for Proposals for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services for Jane Schaffer Academic Writing /$57,350
V.C.2.f. Approve the Contract Training Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and South Texas College for GED Instruction for the 2021-2022 school year/$17,280.00
V.C.2.g. Approve the Contract Training Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and South Texas College for ESL Instruction for the 2021-2022 school year/$31,680.00
V.C.2.h. Approve the renewal purchase of the District's Electronic Bidding Software and Sourcing Software License for a three-year term /2021-2022; 2022-2023; and 2023-2024 school years/$27,250.00
V.C.2.i. Approve the Contract Training Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and South Texas College for Continuing Education Certificate of Completion in Employability Skills/Job Readiness Program for the 2021-2022 school year
V.C.2.j. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Region One Education Service Center Office of Adult Education for the Adult Education Program for the 2021-2022 school year
V.C.2.k. Approve the Data Sharing Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the Holdsworth Center
V.C.2.l. Approve the Letter Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Grads Give, Inc. fundraising tool for high schools for one year (2021-2022 school year) and shall automatically renew for an additional term of one year for three (3) consecutive years
V.C.2.m. Approve the purchase of two-way radios and equipment for the Transportation Department/$144,900.00
V.C.2.n. Approve the purchase of audio and visual equipment for the Communications Departments/$59,051.98
V.C.2.o. Approve rejecting and re-advertising the Student Outdoor Learning Spaces at Alamo Middle School, Cantu Elementary, Reed & Mock Elementary and Chavez Elementary Schools
V.C.2.p. Approve the Renewal Letter Agreement for Customized Professional Development from Region One ESC Instructional Technology Department to Provide the District with Megabyte Services for the 2021-2022 School Year
V.C.2.q. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding(s) between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and Early Start Pre-K School Child Care Partners
V.C.2.r. Approve Rejecting and re-advertising the PSJA Early College High School re-roofing and HVAC Upgrades and the PSJA Memorial Early College High School HVAC Upgrades using the competitive sealed proposals
VI. Chief Financial Officer Departments
VI.A. Delinquent Tax Collections Report - September 1, 2020, through August 31, 2021
VI.B. Approve Resolution and cast votes for Hidalgo County Appraisal District Board of Directors 2022-2023
VII. Chief Academic Officer Departments
VII.A. Presentation on the PSJA Elvis J. Ballew CCTA P-Tech and the PSJA Collegiate High School Action Fund Grant Planning Year Process
VII.B. Update on the future policy implications from Senate Bill 179
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
VIII.A.1. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code Session 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting *See PSJA ISD Board Policy BEC (Local).
VIII.A.2. Consultation with Attorney
VIII.A.2.a. Discussion and possible resolution regarding Cause No. C-408-1-15-F; Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD - Sgt. Leonel Trevino Elementary School v. JDS Construction Co., Inc., et al; in the 332nd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
VIII.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
VIII.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
VIII.A.3.b.(1) Assistant Principals
VIII.A.3.b.(2) Dean of Instruction
IX. Superintendent of Schools
IX.A. Discussion and possible action regarding Cause No. C-4081-15-F; Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD - Sgt. Leonel Trevino Elementary School v. JDS Construction Co., Inc., et al; in the 332nd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas
X. Chief of Human Resources Departments
X.A. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
X.B. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
X.B.1. Assistant Principals
X.B.2. Dean of Instruction
XI. Adjourn