March 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Items to be added:
III. Approve Agenda (BCBH)
IV. Approve Minutes (BCBH)
V. Public Comments (sign-ins) (BCAF)
VI. Old Business
VI.A. Policy Review: Second reading and recommended adoption of Policies:
VII. New Business
VII.A. Wendy Powell, MS Power
Check Presentation
VII.B. North Gulfport Civic Club and the Gulfport Branch of the NAACP
Donation to Schools - Check Presentation
VII.C. Superintendent Update - No Action Required
VII.D. Discipline (JCCA)
VII.D.1. Discipline Committee Decisions (JCCA)
VII.D.2. Discipline - IEP Committee Decisions(JCCA)
VII.E. Consent Agenda Items
The items listed below are consent agenda items, which may be approved in one action of the Board. It is noted that any item may be removed from the consent agenda for separate action or discussion of the Board. An asterisk (*) denotes an item added to the agenda after the original release on Friday. |
VII.E.1. Approve Claim Docket for checks prepared on and reconciled by the Accounting Department. (DJ)
VII.E.2. Authorize payment in the amount of $178,972.04 to Hardy & Associates, PLLC for professional services rendered for the following projects:
VII.E.3. Authorize payment in the amount of $2,481.05 to Wynn E. Clark, Attorney for professional services rendered through March 6, 2025. Specific cases are detailed in the document provided and on file. (FDGB)
VII.E.4. Approve Flood Insurance renewals for policies expiring on April 11, 2025 premium totals $62,417.00. (FDGB)
VII.E.5. Authorize to advertise sealed bid proposals for Timber Sale - First Thinning - 120 Acres on Section 16, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, Harrison County, MS.
VII.E.6. Approve job description for new positions.
VII.E.7. Approve request allowing Naval Construction Battalion Center to use West Harrison High School as a temporary relocation site for their Emergency Response Team if necessary during an evacuation.
VII.E.8. Approve the recommendation of the Mississippi Forestry Commission to deposit the $5,000.00 sale performance bond, into the forestry escrow account, posted by Beall Tember for the 152+ acre timber sale on 16-5S-11W, as authorized by the contract for failure to execute and complete the harvest. The contract extension expired on September 18, 2023.
VII.E.9. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between the Mississippi Department of Education, Sarah Rollins (EIR) Educator in Residence Program (EIR) and HCSD.
VII.E.10. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Data Sharing Agreement No. 52098A### Between Mathematic Inc. and HCSD, 2024-2025 National School Foods Study.
VII.E.11. Authorize to accept $100.00 from Harrison Co. Soil & Water Conservation District donation to the Bel-Aire Elementary school garden project.
VII.E.12. Approve 2025 USDA Summer Feeding Program Sites planned for June 2, 2025 through June 27th, 2025.
VII.E.13. Authorize to correct consent agenda item VII.F.7.presented on 6/21/2021 - affidavit for removal of property to destroy a portable building at North Woolmarket. The incorrect property code and serial numbers were submitted to the board. The corrected affidavit for removal of property is attached.
VII.E.14. Approve affidavit for removal of property from the fixed asset inventory list for CDC Main, Central Office, Lyman Elementary, Crossroads. These items are broken, beyond repair, outdated, stolen, or damaged. (DM)
VII.E.15. Authorize extending home bound services for students due to medical condition, as follows: (IDDC)
VII.E.16. Approve Federal Program funds to pay for FY25 Title IV - 2nd Semester Spring Dual Credit/AP/Collegiate Academy fees for students that are eligible through Title IV. Attached is a list of names for each high school. (IDAG)
VII.E.17. Authorize requesting use of the D'Iberville Community Center and waive fees for D'Iberville High School boys basketball banquet on March 16, 2025. (DBGA)
VII.E.18. Approve Harrison County Career & Technical Center Educators DECA permission to travel to Orlando, Florida to compete in DECA's International Career Development Conference April 24 - April 20, 2025.
VII.E.19. Approve West Harrison High School to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana for the Choir and Theater Departments on Thursday, April 17, 2025 to view the Musical Hamilton at the Sanger Theater. Students will depart WHHS at 11:00 a.m. and travel by Harrison Co. School Bus.
VII.E.20. Approve West Harrison High School band travel for SY 2025-2026 to:
VII.E.21. Approve Creekbend Elementary & Middle School second grade students to travel to Mobile, Alabama to the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center on March 26, 2025. The field trip will be chaperoned by the second grade teachers, and transportation will be by charter buses. The cost will be funded by the second-grade students.
VII.F. Approval of the following:
VII.F.1. Personnel (GBD:GBQ)
VII.F.2. Lowest Quote, Contract Services, Professional Development and/or Travel (DJED)
VII.F.3. Single Source (DJED)
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Student Appeals:
VIII.A.1. Appeal Case #: 222-08-1-1 (ALT/DHS)
VIII.A.2. Appeal Case #: 221-08-1-2 (ALT/DHS)
VIII.A.3. Appeal Case #: 269-38-1-2 (ALT/MWEM)
VIII.A.4. Appeal Case #: 466-33-2-2 (NGEM)
VIII.A.5. Appeal Case #: 386-55-2-2 (WHHS)
VIII.A.6. Appeal Case #: 083-08-1-1 (D.H.S)
VIII.B. Litigation and Potential Litigation
IX. Adjourn