July 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Items to be added:
III. Approve Agenda (BCBH)
IV. Approve Minutes (BCBH)
V. Public Comments (sign-ins) (BCAF)
VI. Old Business
VI.A. Frank Bordeaux, Cadence Insurance
VI.B. Adopt Policy and Policy Review for Section G (GBRGB through GJ)
VI.C. Second Reading - 2024-2025 Handbooks
VII. New Business
VII.A. First Reading Policy, JBC, JBCD, EDA
VII.B. Consent Agenda Items
The items listed below are consent agenda items, which may be approved in one action of the Board. It is noted that any item may be removed from the consent agenda for separate action or discussion of the Board. An asterisk (*) denotes an item added to the agenda after the original release on Friday. |
VII.B.1. Approve Claim Docket for checks prepared on June 27, 2024, reconciled by the Accounting Department. (DJ)
VII.B.2. Authorize payment in the amount of $55,048.24 for wetland mitigation lease on Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 12 West, Harrison County. (EBJ)
VII.B.3. Approve the Mississippi Forestry Commission Annual Report and planned activities for FY25 with projected costs and revenues. Approve Authorization for Services Forms for Forest Stewardship Plan Updates, Invasive Control-Cogon grass, roadwork, boundary line maintenance, fire-lanes, and prescribed burning. Some are eligible for cost-share projects. (EBJ)
VII.B.4. Approve Ground Lease Estoppel for RCG Ventures, LLC - Best Buy Plaza (land lease) and Agreement for 16th Section Land Lease Agreement with RCG-Gulfport BB, LLC, as successor-in-interest to BBT Properties, LLC. Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 11, West, Harrison County. (EBJ)
VII.B.5. Approve Ground Lease and Sublease, Recognition and Estoppel Agreement with PMAT-Stirling Crossroads, LLC, and Belk Stores of Mississippi, LLC, and in favor of Sixth Street Lending Partners. Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 11 West, Harrison County. (EBJ)
VII.B.6. Authorize contacting the Harrison County Board of Supervisors to request use of the athletic fields at Three Rivers Road and North Woolmarket Sports Complex. The fields will be used for the upcoming softball, baseball, and soccer seasons. (DFK)
VII.B.7. Approve request to destroy district professional development or federal programs documentation prior to July 1, 2017, as allowed per federal and state auditing/accreditation standards.
VII.B.8. Authorize payment in the amount of $1,245,104.20, to Mississippi Power Company for pay application #1 - Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Services Project (HVAC) for Harrison Central High School and Bel-Aire Elementary. (FDGB)
VII.B.9. Authorize payment in the amount of $158,334.60 to Dan Hensarling, Inc., for pay application #6 - West Harrison High School classroom addition project. (FDGB)
VII.C. Authorize payment in the amount of $64,664.00 to Dan Hensarling, Inc., for pay application #6 - West Harrison Middle School Baseball and Softball Concession project. (FDGB)
VII.D. Approval of the following:
VII.D.1. Personnel (GBD:GBQ)
VII.D.2. Lowest Quote, Contract Services, Professional Development and/or Travel (DJED)
VII.E. L.R., parent - Lizana Elementary
VII.F. Executive Session
Wynn Clark, School Board Attorney 16th Section Leases & Subleases |
VIII. Adjourn