May 24, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Items to be added:
III. Approve Agenda (BCBH)
IV. Approve Minutes (BCBH)
V. Public Comments (sign-ins) (BCAF)
VI. Old Business
VI.A. Adopt Policy and Policy Revisions - Section I
VI.B. D'Iberville High School Explorer Club
Updated information - Itinerary 2021 Summer Trip (IFCB) |
VII. New Business
VII.A. Dorene Hansen, Curriculum Director
2021-2022 School Year |
VII.B. Kathy Springer, United Way of South MS, PreK Forward Program
VII.C. Award Bid - Canopy Repairs (DJED)
VII.D. Approve Financial Statements for April 2021 (DIB)
VII.E. Approve General Ledger for April 2021 (DIB)
VII.F. Consent Agenda Items
The items listed below are consent agenda items, which may be approved in one action of the Board. It is noted that any item may be removed from the consent agenda for separate action or discussion of the Board. An asterisk (*) denotes an item added to the agenda after the original release on Friday. |
VII.F.1. Approve 16th Section sub-sublease and non-disturbance agreements between Snappy Investments of Gulfport, LLC, and Anchor Development/Gulf Breeze Properties. Gulf Breeze Properties has original sub-leased the property from Anchor Development since 2009, and is sub-leasing a portion of the sub-lease to Snappy Investments of Gulfport, LLC. This does not change the current rent or master lease agreement between the Harrison County School District and Anchor Development. Anchor Development will remain the Lessee and responsible for all rents for said properties. (EJB)
VII.F.2. Approve Claim Docket for checks prepared on May 7, 2021, May 14, 2021, and May 21, 2021, reconciled by the Accounting Department. (DJ)
VII.F.3. Authorize payment to MS School Boards Association for the following: (FDGB)
Annual Renewal - Online Policy Subscription SY2022 $1,500.00 Annual Membership - SY2022 $4,500.00 |
VII.F.4. Authorize payment in the amount of $3,000.00 to PREPS for 2021-2022 membership dues (FDGB)
VII.F.5. Approve Affidavits for removal of property from inventory at D'Iberville Middle School, River Oaks Elementary, and Harrison Central Elementary, for items that are obsolete or broken beyond repair. Each affidavit has been acknowledged by the principal and approved by the Fixed Asset Inventory clerk. (DM)
VII.F.6. Approve request to allow West Harrison High School Beta Club to travel out of state on June 24-28, 2021 to attend the National Beta Club convention. (IFCB)
VII.F.7. Authorize payment in the amount of $978,326.67 to Drace Construction Corp., for payment #10 - Creekbend Elementary School construction project. (FDGB)
VII.F.8. Authorize payment in the amount of $197,635.00 to Starks Contracting for payment #16 - North Gulfport K-8th Additions and Renovations project. (FDGB)
VII.F.9. Approve request from Bradley Barlow, Child Nutrition Director, to hire an additional Area Manager beginning July 1, 2021. (GBD)
VII.F.10. Authorize advertising sealed bid proposals for the Privilege of Keeping School District Funds for SY2022. (DG)
VII.F.11. Approve Small Cell Installation Agreement between Harrison County School District and Cellular South Real Estate, Inc. for "Small Cell Sites" at Harrison Central High School stadium and D'Iberville High School water tank (EB)
VII.F.12. Approve request to allow Harrison County Sheriff's Department SRO Division to use three (3) school buses for transportation during June 1 through July 23, 2021, summer camp academy. (EDDA)
VII.F.13. Authorize advertising bids for English Language Arts textbooks and professional development services, as required with federal purchasing guidelines. (DJED)
VII.F.14. Approve request to allow D'Iberville High baseball team to travel to Auburn, Alabama on June 14-17, 2021 to attend team camp. (IFCB)
VII.F.15. Approve request from Community Baptist Church to assign their rights, title and interests of 16th Section Land to Harvest Church for property located on Landon Road, Gulfport. Harvest Church is also securing the adjacent tract of land and their lease will include 2.78 acres total. (EBJ)
VII.F.16. Authorize payment in the amount of $1,563.00 to Roofing Solutions, LLC, for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at Harrison Central High School. (FDGB)
VII.F.17. Authorize payment in the amount of $1,200.00 to Roofing Solutions, LLC, for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at Harrison Central High School - VoTech. (FDGB)
VII.F.18. Authorize payment in the amount of $3,564.00 to Roofing Solutions, LLC, for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at D'Iberville High School. (FDGB)
VII.F.19. Authorize payment in the amount of $2,780.00 to Roofing Solutions, LLC, for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at Three Rivers Elementary School. (FDGB)
VII.F.20. Authorize payment in the amount of $3,549.00 to Roofing Solutions, LLC, for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at Harrison County Alternative School. (FDGB)
VII.F.21. Authorize payment in the amount of $15,689.39 to PERS of Mississippi for retirement contributions for Tammy Estis to resolve error from period of October 1, 1994, to March 31, 1996. (GBQ)
VII.F.22. Authorize payment in the amount of $67,890.00 to Advantage Roofing & Construction of LA, Inc., for Hurricane Zeta storm damage at Lizana Elementary School. (FDGB)
VII.F.23. Approve request to allow Russell Kenworthy, Athletic Trainer, attend the Georgia Athletic Trainers' Association state meeting on June 4-6, 2021. (IFCB)
VII.F.24. Approve request from Crown Castle to sublease a portion of their 16th Section Land Lease and Tower to DISH Network. The tower is located on Walter Smith Road, Gulfport - Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 11 West, Harrison County. (EBJ)
VII.F.25. Approve 16th Section Land Lease with Harrison County Development Commission for property located at Three Rivers Road, Gulfport, Township 7 South, Range 11 West, Harrison County. The tract includes a portion of railroad right of way previously leased to Kansas City Southern Rail Company. Kansas City Southern Rail Company is in the process of renewing their lease with the reduced acreage. (EJB)
VII.F.26. Approve agreement with Jackson County School District for student transfers from one district to another with tuition rate of $600.00 per student (JBCD)
VII.F.27. AlphaBest Education will offer after-school services at North Gulfport Elementary and Middle School beginning August 2021. Currently, after-school services are offered at: Bel-Aire, Crossroads, Harrison Central Elementary, Lizana, Lyman, North Woolmarket, Orange Grove, River Oaks, Three Rivers, West Wortham and Woolmarket Elementary.
VII.G. Discipline Committee Decisions (JCCA)
VII.H. Approval of the following:
VII.H.1. Personnel (GBD:GBQ)
VII.H.2. Lowest Quote (DJED)
VII.H.3. Single Source (DJED)
VII.I. JC - Case Number #340-18-1-1
VII.J. TT - Appeal Case #266-18-2-2
VII.K. JJ - Appeal Case #303-18-1-2
VIII. Adjourn