March 6, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call of Members
Board President
IV. Statement of Welcome
V. Call to the Public (Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. Before you speak, identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, please complete a Public Participation Form listing the agenda item by number and title that you would like to discuss. Give the form to the Board Secretary and the Board President will call upon you at the appropriate time. Action taken as a result of public comments or requests regarding items not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing the staff to study the matter or reschedule the matter for further consideration at a future Board meeting.
VI. Reports
VI.A. Superintendent
Hollis Merrell
VI.A.1. District Report
VI.A.1.a. School District Spending Analysis FY 2024
VII. Approval of Agenda Order
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Personnel - The Board may vote to discuss the matters under Personnel. Mr. Merrell in Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. '38-431.03(A)(1), Personnel.
VIII.A.1. New Employees
VIII.A.1.a. Larry Yarn Snowflake High School Girls Varsity Soccer Coach
VIII.A.1.b. Kiara Vowell Snowflake Junior High Head Girls Track and Field Coach
VIII.A.1.c. Sherri Turley Snowflake District Office Finance Specialist
VIII.A.1.d. Alicia LaDuke Snowflake High School Varsity Volleyball Coach
VIII.A.2. Resignation
VIII.A.2.a. Marie Caldwell Taylor Intermediate 6th Grade Teacher
VIII.A.2.b. Lacey Tewanema Snowflake High School Film and TV Teacher
VIII.A.2.c. Joe Clare Snowflake High School Boys Varsity Basketball Coach
VIII.A.2.d. Mindy Caldwell Snowflake High School Assistant Cheer Coach
VIII.A.2.e. Tamara Stepp Snowflake Junior High Girl's Track Coach
VIII.A.2.f. Dona Flake Taylor Elementary Librarian
VIII.A.3. Volunteers
VIII.A.3.a. Track Volunteers
AJ Rodriguez Samantha Rodriguez Duane Stepp |
VIII.A.4. Employees Going to ESI
VIII.A.4.a. Mark Ollerton Snowflake District Office Business Manager, going to ESI
VIII.A.4.b. Rex Flake Snowflake High School Math Teacher
VIII.A.5. Transfer
VIII.A.5.a. Aaron Whiting transfer from Taylor Intermediate 5th grade to Taylor Intermediate 6th Grade
VIII.A.5.b. Kelsey Porter transfer from Taylor Intermediate 4th Grade to Taylor Intermediate 5th Grade
VIII.B. Financial
The Following financials are being submitted for the Board's approval
VIII.C. Minutes
The Following minutes are being submitted for the Board's approval
VIII.D. Snowflake High School Track and Field Fundraiser
Community Clean-up Track Camp |
VIII.E. Snowflake Junior High Course Fees FY 25-26
VIII.F. Snowflake Junior High Retention List
IX. General Functions
IX.A. Snowflake High School Preschool Proposal
Hollis Merrell
IX.B. Grand Canyon University Agreement with Snowflake Unified School District
Snowflake High School
Hollis Merrell
IX.C. Mental Health Counselor Job Description
Hollis Merrell
IX.D. Trust Policies Section 4 - Employment Protocols
Hollis Merrell
There is a correct 4-302. That policy will be put in place of the one that is in section 4
IX.E. Trust Policies Section 5 - Students
Hollis Merrell
We added a policy we often use that is not in Section 5. The number is
5-211.1. |
IX.F. Arizona Association of School Business Officials conference Out of State Travel
Hollis Merrell
IX.G. Snowflake District New Positions FY 25-26
Hollis Merrell
IX.H. 2026 Salary Schedules
Mark Ollerton
IX.I. FY 2024 Audit Report
Mark Ollerton
IX.J. Amended Bank Signers List
Mark Ollerton
IX.K. Proposal for the Adoption of Starfall as a Supplemental Resource for Targeted Intervention in Special Education Classrooms
Hollis Merrell
X. Adjournment