January 25, 2023 at 1:00 PM - Board of Directors Meeting
Agenda |
MEETING CALL TO ORDER - The Board of Directors Meeting of the Port Authority of San Antonio will be held by video conference to consider and act upon any lawful subject which may come before said meeting, including, among other, the items listed on the agenda.
This Board meeting may be held using a video conference system called Zoom per Section 379B which allows for the Port to hold "VIRTUAL" meetings. PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED in writing NO LATER THAN THIRTY (30)MINUTES in advance of the meeting by sending them to Caroline Diaz at: caroline.diaz@portsanantonio.us. In the body of the email, please include date, your name, your address, phone number, agenda item # if applicable or subject of discussion, and your comments. Members of the public may access this meeting by either zoom or telephone with access code: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Vhu4V6NFTjym_zp6X9z9Tw Webinar ID: 868 3325 3328 1-346-248-7799 Web ID: 868 3325 3328
CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia
1. Approve minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of November 16, 2022
2. Resolution #01252023-2371 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing the President & CEO to sign all contracts to perform road repair work at the East Kelly Railport in an amount not to exceed $447,362
1. Report by external auditors on the Port Authority of San Antonio Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Report - Pat Cruzen
2. Resolution #01252023-2372 of the Port Authority of San Antonio approving the Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Report on Conduct of the Audit for the year ended September 30, 2022 - Pat Cruzen
3. Resolution #01252023-2373 of the Port Authority of San Antonio authorizing an amendment to the SAWS Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for the Drainage Channel Project to complete additional sewer upgrades in the amount of $465,000 - Ramon Flores
4. Resolution #01252023-2374 of the Port Authority of San Antonio appointing an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer for the Board as provided by the Rules for Proceedings - Margaret Wilson-Anaglia
5. December Financial Statements - Pat Cruzen
6. Quarterly Investment Report update - Pat Cruzen
7. Quarterly Objectives update - Pat Cruzen
8. Discussion regarding guidelines for upcoming city election - Frank Garza
1. Strategic Planning/Strategic Development discussion - Jim Perschbach
1. Contracts over $100,000
2. November & December Executive Management Summary
EXECUTIVE SESSION The regular session of the Board of Directors meeting is hereby recessed to hold an Executive Session for the purpose(s):
1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.072 (deliberations about real property) and 551.086 (economic development negotiations), Development projects