March 24, 2025 Executive Session - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Executive Session (6:00PM)
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
Approval of Agenda - Regular Meeting of March 24, 2025
Remarks by Visitors
(As per the Fort Cherry School District Policy for Conducting Meetings of the Board of School Directors) |
Dr. Katelyn Willyerd - Anatomage Table
Mr. Sel Edor - BAI Renewables, BAI Group LLC
Action on the approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 24, 2025
Secretary's Correspondence
Treasurer's Actions
Action on the approval of Bills for Payments
Action on the approval of Treasurer's Report Account Summaries
Action on the approval of Budget Control Reports
Board Reports
Solicitor's Report
Superintendent's Report
Personnel and Curriculum
Action on the approval to hire Ms. Leann Minton as an eight (8) hour cleaner per the Fort Cherry ESPA Collective Bargaining Agreement contingent upon the final receipt and review of any and all new hire paperwork
Acknowledge the resignation of Mrs. Rachel Nelson, Elementary Music Teacher and Assistant High School Marching Band Director, effective June 6, 2025.
Buildings and Grounds
Action on the approval to award the Stadium Field and Track Renovation project to Force Turf Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $2,782,250.00, including the concrete stabilization option.
Action on the approval of the First Amendment to the Transportation Agreement with Bish Transportation and Monark Student Transportation Corporation.
Action on the approval of the following additional Bish Transportation, Inc. driver for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon the receipt, review and final approval of any and all clearances and new driver paperwork:
- Lori Schaub |
Action on the approval of the following additional G. G. & C. Transportation, Inc. driver for the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon the receipt, review and final approval of any and all clearances and new driver paperwork:
-Tracy Haggerty |
Action on the approval to adopt Resolution #3 - 2025-03-24, prepared and presented by Bond Counsel and reviewed by the Solicitor, authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00, for the purpose of funding the costs of renovations and improvements to various School District facilities, as further set forth in the Resolution.
Action on the approval of Mr. Zachary Skrabski as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Cross Country Coach.
Action on the approval of Mr. Zachary Skrabski as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Track and Field Coach.
Action on the approval of Ms. Haley Felton as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Track and Field Coach, contingent upon the receipt and final review of all required clearances.
Action on the approval of Mr. Joseph Washinski as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, contingent upon the receipt and final review of all required clearances.
Action on the approval of Ms. Chloe Smith as a Volunteer Assistant Varsity Softball Coach, contingent upon the receipt and final review of all required clearances.
Action on the approval of the corrective action from the APTE monitoring a Fort Cherry high schools vocational agriculture program as attached.
Action on the approval of the Intermediate Unit 1 IDEA policy acknowledgment as attached.
Action on the approval to decline the use of IDEA part B funds to provide CEIS.
Action on the approval of an affiliation agreement between Fort Cherry School District and Robert Morris University.
Action on the approval to execute a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) letter of intent with BAI Group, LLC subject to final review and approval of the District Solicitor.
Action on the approval of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) agreement between Fort Cherry School District and Center for Community Resources for the 2025-2026 school year.
Public Comment
(As per the Fort Cherry School District Policy for Conducting Meetings of the Board of School Directors) |
Executive Session