January 23, 2023 Executive Session - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Executive Session (6:00PM)
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
Approval of Agenda - Regular Meeting of January 23, 2023
Board Recognition Month Celebration
Fort Cherry Musical Presentation with Mrs. Andrea Garry and students; Nathaniel Garry, Darci Sarchet, Mason Shulz, Paige Orlandini, and Abby Walker.
Remarks by Visitors
(As per the Fort Cherry School District Policy for Conducting Meetings of the Board of School Directors) |
Action on the approval of the Minutes of the Regular/Reorganization Meeting of December 5, 2022.
Secretary's Correspondence
Treasurer's Actions
Action on the approval of Bills for Payments
Action on the approval of Treasurer's Report Account Summaries
Action on the approval of Budget Control Reports
Board Reports
Solicitor's Report
Superintendent's Report
Personnel and Curriculum
Acknowledge the resignation of Ms. Ariel Morris, part-time paraprofessional, effective immediately.
Acknowledge the resignation of Mr. Carlos Huaman, substitute Maintenance/Custodian, effective December 6, 2022.
Acknowledge the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Mr. John L. Sullivan, part-time Safety and Security Officer, effective June 30, 2023.
Action on the approval of the PSEA-NEA Secretary and Aides Contract effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2028.
Acknowledge the grievance settlement between the Fort Cherry School District and the Fort Cherry Secretaries and Aides Educational Support Personnel Association regarding the PIMS position.
Action on the approval of Mrs. Jennifer Ingram as the Elementary (4-8) English Language Arts long-term substitute effective January 2, 2023.
Action on the approval to hire Mr. Peter Speakman for the Network Technician position contingent upon final receipt and review of any an all new hire paperwork and documents.
Action on the approval to hire Ms. Sharon Cerceillo as the permanent 5 hour cafeteria employee per the FC Maintenance/Food Service Bargaining Agreement.
Action on the approval to hire Ms. Kelly McGinnis Timco as a Paraprofessional Aide per the Fort Cherry Secretary/Aides Educational Support Personnel Collective Bargaining Agreement contingent upon final receipt and review of any and all new hire paperwork and documents.
Action on the approval of Mary Burford the 2023 PASBO Annual Conference in Pocono Manor, PA from March 14-17, 2023 (travel, lodging, and registration to exceed $900)
Buildings and Grounds
Action on the approval for Allegheny Restoration, Inc to do masonry repairs and apply waterproofing around six (6) windows around the high school locker room for a cost of $4,831.00.
Action on the approval for RAME to replace the gutters on the high school gym at a cost of $21,900.00.
Action on the approval for A+ Doorman to replace two doors in the high school building (#21 boiler room and #2 high school office) at a cost of $12,200.00.
Action on the approval for Wilson Restoration, Inc. to repair and replace the high school cafeteria expansion joints for a cost of $6,500.00.
Action on the approval of Mary Burford, Business Manager, being made a delegate to the Washington County Tax Collection Committee.
Action to adopt Resolution #5 - 2023-01-23 - Act 1 Taxpayer Relief Act for budget year 2023/2024.
Action on the approval to purchase electronic time kiosks from Touchpoint at a cost not to exceed $11,000.
Acknowledge the first reading of Policy 246 - Student Wellness
Acknowledge the first reading of Policy 808 - Food Services
Acknowledge the first reading of Policy 808.1 - Student Accounts.
Acknowledge Mrs. Emma Johnston and the Fort Cherry Retired Teachers Association for their donations of a kaleidoscope and two sundials to the Ray Johnston Outdoor Discovery Center.
Acknowledge Washington County Community Foundation DCED Grant awarded for Technology for $5,625.00
Action on the approval of the District Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Action on the approval to nominate ____________ as a candidate to serve on the Intermediate Unit I Board of Directors
Action on the approval to allow a clothing collection/donation bin to benefit the Paralyzed Veterans of America on campus.
Public Comment
(As per the Fort Cherry School District Policy for Conducting Meetings of the Board of School Directors) |
Executive Session