March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - March Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Edie Crall, Board President Jeri Taylor, Board Vice President Wendy Odell, Member Sean Borland, Member Joy Reid, Member |
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.B. Ratification of Vouchers
3.B.1. Payroll Vouchers
3.B.2. Expense Vouchers
3.C. Financial Reports for February FY 24/25
3.D. January 2025 Account Statements
3.E. Out of School Suspension Report - through March 4, 2025
Each month, out of school suspensions are reported to the Board as an "information only" item in the Consent Agenda.
3.F. Disclosure - Machu Picchu Holdings Settlement and Pinal County
The four attachments include an information sheet, letter from Pinal County Treasurer, letter from legal counsel, and each school district's obligation in the settlement. Please review the attachments and let Mrs. Nehrmeyer know if you have any questions. This is an "information only" disclosure.
3.G. Assessed Property Values for SY 24/25 and SY 25/26 from Pinal County
Assessed property values are brought to the Governing Board each year as an "information only" section in the Consent Agenda. The assessed values are the overall value of properties in our school district. Our local tax rate is decided each July and is multiplied by the assessed value amounts.
3.H. Gifted Education Scope and Sequence, to be submitted to Arizona Department of Education
Once approved by the Governing Board in the Consent Agenda, the Gifted Education Scope and Sequence will be uploaded to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).
3.I. ADE Grants Management Audit - Final Determination Letter
The District's grants management system was recently audited by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). The only finding/recommendation is to update District Policy DJE and/or DJE-R by April 30, 2025. The audit determination letter is below, for information only. The Policy update will be included in Agenda Item 8.
3.J. Special Education Teacher, updated job description
The District does not have a job description specific for Special Education Teachers. When necessary, the District recommends approval of job description updates in the Consent Agenda.
3.K. Upcoming Events
4. Superintendent's Report
5. Recognition of Leo Martinez, Fleet Mechanic as the District's Exceptional Employee for the Month of March 2025.
6. Recognition of Katalina Hinojos, 1st Grade as the District's Exceptional Student for the Month of March 2025.
7. Call to the Public
8. Policy Advisories and Recommendations - First Read
9. Policy JIH - Second Read
10. 2025-2026 District Calendar
11. Certified Hiring Plan, effective July 1, 2025
12. Math Curriculum
13. ELA Curriculum
14. Personnel
15. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
16. Adjournment