December 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Gary Terrell, Board President Linda Lyon, Board Vice President Jeri Taylor, Member Edie Crall, Member Camilo Gotay, Member |
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Communications and Call to the Public
The Governing Board welcomes communication from residents of the District and has provided a specific place on the agenda for the public to address the Board on any concerns within the jurisdiction of the Governing Board. We do ask that everyone limit their comments to three minutes so that all those who wish to speak may have the opportunity to do so.
If an item has not been listed on the posted agenda, the Board, by law, cannot discuss it or take legal action on it. At the conclusion of the open call to the public, individual Board members may 1.) Respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board, 2.) Ask staff to review a matter or 3.) Ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. |
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Minutes
Governing Board Regular Meeting - November 17, 2022
Governing Board Special Meeting - November 17, 2022 |
4.B. Capital Bond Spending Report
4.C. Financial Reports for the month of November FY 22/23
4.D. Out of School Suspension Report - through December 5, 2022
4.E. Fall 2022 ESSER III Retention & Recruitment Stipend List as of December 5, 2022 (no changes since November meeting)
4.F. Memo to Governing Board - Oracle Ridge Advisory Committee
During the November Regular Meeting of the Governing Board, the Board discussed formally dissolving the Oracle Ridge Advisory Committee and asking Edie Crall, Governing Board Member and Crystle Nehrmeyer, Superintendent to continue working towards the disposition of the Oracle Ridge Property, one of the District's Strategic Goals.
4.G. Email from Arizona Department of Education - No Budget Revision Required
4.H. Gifts and Donations
None to report since the November Board Meeting.
4.I. District Disposals
Bus #8 (Trade-in for Bus #19)
5. Recognition of Mrs. Jeri Taylor, Governing Board Member for her service to the Oracle Elementary School District #2.
6. Superintendent's Report
The Superintendent will deliver an annual State of the District Address.
7. Capital Bond Report
Update on construction projects since the November 2022 Meeting of the Governing Board.
8. Sale of Oracle Ridge Property Progress Report
Information provided by Edie Crall and Crystle Nehrmeyer since the November Governing Board Meeting.
9. Discussion regarding the District's current landline phone service and proposals from Lumen and Spectrum for internet-based phone service.
10. Discussion and request for approval of Regular Governing Board Meeting Dates for calendar year 2023.
11. Discussion and request for approval of ASBA Policy Advisories 677-678 and 712-715.
12. Discussion and request for approval of an updated Classified Hiring Scale and Extra-Curricular Pay Scale effective January 1, 2023 following the required minimum wage increase from $12.80 to $13.85 per hour.
13. Discussion and request for approval regarding personnel matter that have occurred since the November 2022 Governing Board Meeting.
1. Special Education Caseload Overload Stipend
2. Classified Staff Wage Increases, effective January 1, 2023 (required minimum wage increase) 3. Second Semester Extended School Day (ESD) Budget |
14. Upcoming Events
15. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
16. Executive Session Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (1) Discussion related to the Superintendent's Annual Evaluation and Performance Goals. The employee has been provided with a separate written notice of the executive session and may request the discussion occur at a public meeting.
17. Request for approval of the Superintendent's Performance Goals mid-year payment for the end of the Fall Semester of the 2022-2023 school year.
18. Adjournment