October 8, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Presentation and Recognition
3.A. Michele Gagnon - Booster Club
3.B. Recognition of Board Members
Award for Certificate of Orientation - Alicia Bristow and Recognition of Elizabeth Harmon who will be presented with a Master of Boardsmanship with First Cluster Award at the Arizona School Boards Association Annual Conference in December
4. Communications and Call to the Public
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes
5.A.1. Regular Meeting September 14, 2009
5.B. Ratification of Vouchers
5.B.1. Expense Vouchers
V1007 $42,119.58 ; V 1008 $8,158.17 ; V 1009 $14,1794.74; V 1010 $ 41,296.50; V 1011 15,549.66
5.B.2. Payroll Vouchers
V6 $126,717.13; V7 $133,250.56
5.C. Financial Reports for the month of September
5.D. Donations
Extra-curricular tax credit donation - $200.00 Magdalena De Block
5.E. Out of District travel ratify/approve
Theresa Rodriquez, Katrina Peru, Denise Aquino, & Amber Wick - Education Resources Accomodations for Autisim Workshop in Phoenix, AZ November 19, 2009
5.F. Approval of Additional Sole Source Vendors for 2009-2010
5.G. Declaration of Curricular & Instructional Alignment to the Arizona Academic Standards
5.H. Statement of Assurance - Teacher Evaluation System Status FY (2010-2011)
5.I. Designation of Superintendent as person to approve Student Activities fundraisers and designation of Toni Parkhurst as Student Activities Treasurer
6. Discussion/possible action on bus maintenance bid and other maintenance options to include recommendation to approve a new mechanic position
7. Discussion/possible action on policy GDBA Support Staff Salary and review of the classified salary schedule
8. Discussion/possible action regarding high school tuition billing/payments to Amphitheater School District and Mammoth San Manuel School District for 2009-2010.
9. Discussion/possible action on Oracle School District NCLB Schoolwide Plan
10. Discussion/possible action on Oracle School District No. 2 Annual Financial Report (AFR) for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2009
11. Discussion/possible action on School Facility Board Reports - Capital Plan - Preventative Maintenance
12. Discussion/possible action on Arizona Youth Partnership Agreement
13. Discussion/possible action on professional growth petition for horizontal movement on the salary schedule for 2009-2010
14. Discussion/possible action on purchase of used bus from Mohave vendor, Canyon State Bus Sales
15. Personnel Matters
15.A. Employments
Part-time IDEA Paraprofessional - Chelsea Murphy Part-time Bus Driver/training - Caryn McHugh; Connections Tutors (III) - Minette Primero; Mathew Barragan, Analexia Chavez; Letitia Casper and Dale Tom - Before School Tutors
15.B. Professional Development Chairs
Marlene Godbout and Kathy Brown
15.C. Separations
Greg Spencer, Britni Morse and Zoey Fowler (paraprofessional position)
16. Superintendent Report
16.A. Tax Credit Donation Information
16.B. Playground upgrade
17. Future Meeting Dates and Topics
Regular and Special Meeting Dates - Topics; Board Self Evaluation (prior to October 30), Superintendent Evaluation, District Issues/Goals, Rescheduling of Open Meeting Law Training
18. Meeting Evaluation
19. Adjournment