May 4, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mr. Brandon Bustos, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Cafeteria Staff Recognition - Christine Coronado
Recognition of CFVMS BPA Students
Ed Tech Note
Board President Report
Superintendents Report
EXECUTIVE SESSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Espanola Public Schools will meet in Executive Session for the following purposes:
Limited personnel matters as permitted under NMSA 1978, Sec. 10-15-1 (H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; more specifically, for the Superintendent to update the Board and legal counsel to advise, regarding investigations of employees by the Superintendent; and for the Superintendent to update the Board regarding employee movements and contemplated movements included potential administrative hire.
Meet with Legal Counsel to discuss threatened litigation as permitted under Section 10-15-1 (H)(7) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; specifically about a lawsuit the board is considering initiating.
Approval or Disapproval of a Resolution Authorizing Issuance of p-Cards through BMO Harris Bank, N.A.
Approval or Disapproval of application of Resolution #2223-006 Ed Tech Note Aplications to NMFA
Approval or Disapproval or 95% Group LLC - $6,830.04
Approval or Disapproval of Out of State Travel for Jeanine Martinez to the American School Counseling Association Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia - $2,323.73
Approval or Disapproval of Instructional Supplies for NNMC/EHCPP Healthcare Dual Crefit Program - $43,286.64
Approval or Disapproval of Heggerty Phonemic Awareness - $5,504.76
Approval or Disapproval of Replenishing Warehouse stock of wax/floor finish - $13,819.39
Approval or Disapproval or Lowe's Home Center Inc. - $6,500.00
Approval or Disapproval of Dahl Plumbing, Santa Fe - $6,726.08
BAR # 0055-T- Private Con Alama - 29107 - Transfer is needed for consultant fees, PD and Membership fees for EVHS principal
BAR # 0056-T - Indian Education Formula Grant - 25184 - Transfer is for PD for the Indian Ed Director/Admin
BAR # 0057-M- Indian Education Act - 27150 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0058-M - Family Income Index - 27404 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0059-M - Pre- School IDEA - 24109 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0060-M - Homeless - 24113 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0061-T - Homeless - 243113 - Transfer for material/suplies for HOPE students
BAR # 0062-M - Private - Con Alma - 29102 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0063-M - 21st Century - 24119 - To align budget with actuals
BAR #0064-M - 21st Centruy - 24119 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0065-M - Titla II - 24154 - To align budget with actuals
BAR # 0066-M - Title II - 24154 - To align budget with actuals
Regular Board Meeting - May 18, 2023 6:00 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center