May 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Jeremy Maestas, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mrs. Katrina Martinez, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Gifted Program Scholar Presentations
K-8 English Language Arts Curriculum Adoption 2022-2023 Presentation - Myra Martinez
Bond Capacity and District - Levy Reports - Leo Valdez
EVHS Gym Floor Design Presentation - M. Abeyta
Board President Report
EVHS Student Representative - Shayna Gomez
Superintendents Report
Deputy Superintendents Report
1st Reading of NMSBA Policy Advisories 229-232
Policy Advisory No. 229 - DO - Disposition of School Facilities to Charter Schools
Policy Advisory No. 230 - GBA - Equal Employment Opportunity
Policy Advisory No. 231 - GCIA - Teacher Residency Program
Policy Advisory No. 232 - GE - Retiree Return to Work
Approval of Minutes - Work Session, May 12, 2022
Approval or Disapproval of MOU between EPS and Cooking with Kids - $5,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of 6/20/2022 Inventory Removals
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of SAVVAS myView (K-5) and myPerspectives (6-8) Curriculum from Archway - $353,763.67
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Food and Non Food Items for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) - $66,035.16
Approval or Disapproval of Increase of PO 21220074 (Wright Express Fleet Fueling) by $60,000.00 for a total of $186,965.00
Approval or Disapproval of SY 2022-23 Retention Payment for Non NEA Members
Approval or Disapproval of Bus Contract Amendment Approvals - $13,961.16
Approval or Disapproval of Suazo Bus Contract Amendment and Payment of Rents & Leases on 2023 IC Bus - $17,481.00
Approval or Disapproval of EVHS Gym Floor Design
Approval or Disapproval of PR 4317 LD Supply LLC - $38,370.70
Approval or Disapproval of Ammended TVI Contract
Approval or Disapproval of HVAC Upgrades at CFVMS - Supplemental Services - $412,273.12
Approval or Disapproval of Increase of PO 21221041 (KDCE 950 Radio) by $1,340.62 for a total of $16,340.62 (Add Tax)
Bar# 0074-D - Fund 27109 - Instructional Materials - Reconcile to Audited Cash Balance - ($11,843.00)
Bar# 0075-I - Fund 27149 - NM Pre-K - 4th Quarter 3% Increase for Classroom Staff - $1,225.00
Bar# 0076-I - Fund 13000 - Transportation - FY22 Emergency Fuel Allocation - $51,191.00
Bar# 0077-I - Fund 25171 - Child & Adult Food Prgm - Summer Food Program (06/06/22 - 07/29/2022) - $162,758.65
Bar# 0078-M - Fund 24301 - CAREs - Shifting budget to align with final grant expenses - N/A
Work Session - June 2, 2022; 5:30 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center