October 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Gilbert Serrano, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mr. Brandon Bustos, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Presentation to the Board on Infrastructure and Fed Funds - Bobbie Gutierrez
Board President Report
Interim Superintendents Report
Director of Finance and Business Services Report
Human Resources - Esther Romero
Transportation - Alejandro Ortiz
Information Technology - Andrew Trujillo
Safety and Security - Christian Lopez
Facilities and Maintenance - Aaron Aragon
Athletics - Matthew Abeyta
Deputy Superintendents Report
Approval of Minutes - Special Board Meeting, January 30, 2020
Approval or Disapproval of Resolution to Increase Procurement Authority
Approval or Disapproval of Resolution # 2021-22-002 for Honorary Board Membership
Approval or Disapproval of Plan B Service Contract
Approval or Disapproval of Technology Inventory Removals
Approval or Disapproval of Transportation Inventory Removals
Approval or Disapproval of Renewal Services from Raptor Technologies - $17,615.00
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Braille Signage for EVHS - $8,010.00
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Baseball and Softball Equipment for EVHS - $69,102.70
Approval or Disapproval of MOU Between EPS and Project R.A.C.E.
Approval or Disapproval of PR 2785 Integrated Food Service - $11,256.96
Approval or Disapproval of PSA for Communities In Schools
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Chromebook Cases - District wide - $72,975.00
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of EZReports Software - Districtwide - $8,700.00
Approval or Disapproval of Purchase of Southwest Regional Educational Cooperative (SWREC) Audit - Districtwide - $10,000.00
Approval or Disapproval of PSA with RRH Educational Service, Inc. - $20,000.00
Permanent Cash Transfer - FUND 91507 to FUND 23000- $40,000.00
Bar# 0020-I - Fund 24119 - 21st Century - Program for FY22 (Oct-June) - $982,227.00
Bar# 0021-I - Fund 31700 - SB-9 Match - Carryover from NE19 - $163,805.00
Bar# 0022-I - Fund 23507 - PAX Behavior Games - Reclassify PAX Good Behavior funds to district controlled funds, per GASB 84 requirements - $40,000.00
Regular Board Meeting - February 19, 2020; 5:30 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center