April 8, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mrs. Yolanda Salazar, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Mr. Gilbert Serrano, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Board President Report
Superintendent Report
Continuous Learning Plan-Discussion
Deputy Superintendent Report
Approval of Minutes - Special Board Meeting - March 17, 2020
Approval of Minutes - Regular Board Meeting - March 18, 2020
Approval of Final Reading : NSBA/NEPN Classification: JL - Administration of Medical Cannabis for Students in Schools - Policy J-5350; Regulation J-5361; Exhibit J5381
Approval of the Yearly NMPSIA 2020/2021 Part Time Resolution
Approval to Dispose of Old IT Equipment - Second Phase
Approval of Second Reading - J.5400 - Medical Care Management (Diabetes Management)
Approval of Greer-Stafford Architects for Development of Five-Year Facilities Master Plan
Approval of Final Reading E-2300 Bus Driver Requirements, Training and Responsibilities
Approval of Final Reading of E-2350 - Drug and Alcohol Testing of Transportation Employees
Espanola Public Schools School Calendar, Options A & B SY 2020-2021
Approval of Cancellation of Regular Board Meeting April 15, 2020
Approval of Increase of PO 20202121 - Labatt Food Service - ($50,000.00 Food Items) ($10,000.00 Non Food Items)
Approval of Disposition of School Property--Three Portable Classrooms (2-Hernandez Elementary School; 1-San Juan Elementary School)
Approval of Southwest Abatement Company for Demolition of Three Portable Classrooms
Second Reading- J.5400 - Medical Care Management (Diabetes Management)
Bar# 0078-IB - Fund 24160 - Rural & Low Income Schools - Music Program - $97,596.00
Bar# 0083-IB - Fund 25145 - Impact Aid Special Education - Bayes Achievement Center - $26,053.00
Bar# 0084-I - Fund 25184 - Indian Ed Formula Grant - Supply Assets & Salary/Benefits - $53,640.00
Bar# 0085-I - Fund 25171 - Child & Adult Food Program - Food - $38,543.00
Bar# 0086-I - Fund 25171 - Child & Adult Food Program - Food/Non-Food; Salary/Benefits - $407,000.00
Regular Board Meeting - May 6, 2020; 5:30 p.m. - EPS Educational Services Center