August 4, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order - Mr. Pablo E. Lujan, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call - Ms. Annabelle Almager, Board Secretary
Approval of Agenda
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (5 minutes maximum)
Board President Report
Superintendent Report
Principal Reports
Consent Items
Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting 7-15-15; Board Work Session and Closed Meeting 7-14-15; Board Work Session 7-29-15
Española Public Schools Education Foundation (EPSEF) request for reimbursement of $8,296.00
Acceptance of PED Truancy Initiative Award for $300,000 for 2015-2016 school year.
Approval to allow the Española Police Department to let the K-9 dog purchased with EPS Funds be retired and adopted.
Approval of Out of State Travel for Human Resource Staff to attend TimeClock Plus National Learning Summit, October 4-7, 2015 San Antonio, Texas.
Approval of change order (owners request) for Landscaping at Los Niños Kindergarten Center
Approval of short-term contracted services for Grounds (weeding and cleanup) in preparation for the beginning of school.
Approval of PMI contract for gum removal at secondary schools, and removal of chemicals and paints in storage closets at EVHS.
Approval of Title III Expenditure for Española Valley High School
Approval of Contract error and adjustment to Physical Therapist's Salary
Approval of Recommendation to Award RFP 216-02 TV Mentor EVHS SY 2015-2016
Approval of Recommendation to Award RFP IFB 216-01 Milk District Wide
Approval of Contractor for EVHS Renovation of 4 double portables IFB-216-03EVHS Portables
Approval to Advertise for proposals/bids for Public Address/Fire Alarm, Telephone Data, Primary Electrical Maintenance Services and General Contractor
Approval of Title II Expenditure for New Teacher Mentor PSA
Regular Board Meeting, August 19, 2015 Carlos F. Vigil Middle School at 5:30 p.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Española Public Schools may call an Executive Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Sec. 10-15-1 (H) (7). (H) (8). (H) (5), (H) (2)
Executive Session - As per Open Meetings Act 10-15-1 (H) (7). (H) (8). (H) (5), (H) (2) 1.. Litigation - PED Velarde Elementary School Closure 10-15-1 (H) (7) 2. Real Property - Section 10-15-1 (H) (8) - San Juan Elementary School 3. Collective Bargaining - Section 10-15-1 (H) (5). 4. Limited Personnel Matters 10-15-1 (H) (2) |