June 29, 2016 at 10:30 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Approval of Financial Statements
3. Open Forum
4. Reports to the Board-Director of Special Education
4.A. State Performance Plan
All information for SPP indicators 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14 is gathered and ready for reporting. Indicator 7, 13, and 14 data is in TEASE and will be certified and submitted soon. The window for indicator 11 and 12 will open July 1. All reports will be certified and submitted prior to the August 12th due date. All districts will be 100% compliant on all indicators.
4.B. Caseload assignments for the 2016-2017 school year
4.C. Validation of Certain Amounts Reported on Schedule BS60 16~Financial Compliance Requirements
TEA will conduct a validation of certain amounts reported on the Schedule BS60 16-Financial Compliance Requirements.
4.D. 2015 Cost Report Review Results
Each district will be given a short review of their cost report results. The director recommends this information be reviewed with the goal of increasing revenue through the SHARS program for next year.
4.E. Fiscal Compliance Tip Sheet
This information may help you fill out the forms I have requested from you.
5. Action
5.A. 2016-2017 IDEA-B Formula 313, Preschool 314, and State/Local 437 Budgets
Recommendation: After review and discussion, the Management Board is advised to approve the 2016-17 IDEA-B Formula 313, Preschool 314, and State/Local 437 Budgets as presented.
5.B. Budget Amendment
Funds are needed to pay for Cluster Class reimbursements. The cost is $86,283.00 and requires an amendment from Fund Balance to 437.
Recommendation: After review and discussion, the Management Board is advised to approve the budget amendment. |
5.C. Personnel
Recommendation: After review and discussion, the Management Board is asked to recommend the Director's salary for the 2016-17 school year |
5.D. Behavior Class
Aquilla ISD planned on a specific staff member to be the administrator of the Aquilla Opportunity Center. This person's program was postponed for a year and therefore will not be able to serve as administrator for the 16-17 school year. Aquilla is concerned about the strain this will put on current staff and, therefore, would like to limit the number of students placed in the class to assure the success of the program and sufficient progress made by students.
Recommendation: After review and discussion, the board is advised to support a limit on student numbers in the behavior class at the Aquilla Opportunity Center |
5.E. SLP-A Salaries
Currently, the HCSSA SLP-A salary scale is based on 207 days. Many school districts in our area pay the SLP-A's for 87, although the salary is often higher than for a teacher who works the same number of days. This is because SLP-A's are very difficult to find because the clinical/home health world pays so much more.
For example: •Heart of Texas COOP pays a teacher salary for 187 worked •Lampasas ISD pays teacher salary + $3000.00 for a 187 day contract •Killeen ISD minimum/midpoint/maximum range are very similar to our pay scale for a 187 day contract. We currently pay our contract SLP-A's $65.00 an hour. Recommendation: After review and discussion, the Management Board is advised to reduce the number of days a SLP-A works from 207 to 187, but keep the same pay scale currently in place. |
6. Announcements
6.A. Board Meeting Dates
6.B. Back to School Training
8-10-16 Special Ed Teacher and Paraprofessional Training
8-17-16 HCSSA All District Training 8-19-16 New Special Ed Teacher Training |
6.C. Special Education eGrant
If you haven't already done so, please remember to turn in your Special Education eGrant information ASAP. The Director cannot complete the grant without this information and it must be completed by July 1, 2016.
7. Adjourn