January 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
Board President
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
4. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Ty Cornum - involved in our lives - everything that a dad should do. The hardest working man I know. he can do anything.
Zachary Cornum - approved his talk. Christa - Express gratitude - job is thankless. efforts are not overlooked and we appreciate you very much. encourage Trent Cornum for the Board. He is willing to listen. Strength and efforts. He would be a good asset to the Board of Education. Ron Singleton - Pleasure to stand before you to recommend Trent Cornum for the Board Position. Rank of Board Members he served with. He is in the top 3. Intelligent and Smart and what he says is true. Put in an experienced Board member on the job. Job you are doing is outstanding. Great job to all. Urge you to consider Trent for the job. David Rogers - Represent Eric Threlkeld - Batterred women shelter for 14 years. served with him and cannot say enough as a board member. Put principles first, not reactive, no easily derailed. Level headed, intelligent man. Rearches matters. Appreciate the difficult decision. Offer utmost recommendation for Mr. Threlkeld. Lisa Walterscheid - Relationship with Cornum family. Very involved in community projects. Intelligent, team player with children and school. Excellent member of your school board. Mark Walterscheid - Lifelong member in Carlsbad. City Council matters and wants to recommend Trent for the school board. McCutcheon - Support Mr. Cornum for the school board position. Needing a new Jr. High and Trent has a lot of construction experience. His input would be priceless. Integrity and Honesty. |
5. Board Vacancy 22-5-9. Local Board Vacancy (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Vacancy for School Board. - Two candidates - Mr. Tent Cornum and Mr. Eric Threlkeld.
Mr. Eric Threlkeld - 1424 S. County Club Circle. - 1) Motivates - give back to the community - public service - Law Enforcement as a career - both parents retired from the school district. Early 90's masters degrees. Very few openings. in the 90;s but very many position open now. Fixing all the issues in our schools - inability to - lacking training in Substitutes. US ranked below - NM 49th in literacy. - overwhelming list of problems. - institute changes needed. State govt - pandemic put all of us in a learning deficit - 990 to 1200 hours - recurring fund...improving principals pay. student assessments - beginning , middle, end. strengths - 4 children - 10th at ECHS - school safety , FBI national academy - board member in several other boards.. 4) Policy and goal setting; team work, personnel, discipline, law enforcement. difficult decision this was - not easy and both candidates held excellent credentials. - per Mr. Lewis. Mr. Trent Cornum - 1081 Monument Court - 1) My kids, pretty common with most. - parents responsibility for kids to be successful. Find amazing teachers. turnover of teachers and coaches is a problem. Find a way to remedy that problem. Need to work together as a Board to do amazing things. Obligated to do so. 2) vision - top pay in the District. - Lived here 9 years. need to get others invested in our District to feel they are part of the community. 3) strengths - systematic instruction - education is facts - 1962 prayer out of education. - God is missing. Higher power in charge of our education. Honesty and integrity. Funding is necessary, but current days need to be addressed. Oil and gas revenue. 95 million. Very few communities can take advantage of that!. Willing to submit time and knowledge to serve along side. Commitment o investigate. Most and all decision made start and end with a prayer. Trent Cornum - new member of the Board |
6. Reorganizaton of the Board of Education (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Chacon for President - Motion by Ms. McMillan - passes.
Vice President - Nominate Ms. Shirley for vice President - passes Secretary - Nominated Ms. McMillan for Secretary - - Passes by Robbie Chacon. |
7. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS 1) Superintendent's Report
Oliver Soukup has resigned - position will be posted immediately.
Andrea Edmonson - Submitted Resignation - last day February 7th. - Tremendous asset to this District. Opportunity Culture Pilot- Ms. Shan will be reaching out soon. March 6, 2023 - Delayed start for Student at Walter Gerrells Center - |
8.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
8.A.2. Report of 2022-23 Budget Adjustments
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
8.A.3. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Gonzalez, Chief Procurement Officer
8.A.4. Approval of Carlsbad Municipal School Truancy Referral
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
8.A.4.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business (ACTION)
Board President
8.B. Formal Contract Procurement Awards (FOR INFORMATION ONLY NO ACTION REQUIRED).
Crystal Gonzalez, Chief Procurement Officer
8.C. Submission of revised job description for Attendance Coach (ACTION)
Allison Hervol, Asst. Superintendent of Federal Programs
Revised job description - attendance coach - Title I schools and paid by Federal Funds -
8.D. Second approval of Dossier Extension Request (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Asst. Superintendent for Talent Acquisition and Development
Second approval for 13 teachers for an extension to move to Level III.
9.A. NM BPA State Competition: PR Leyva student to attend State Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, NM on February 19-22, 2023. (ACTION)
Eric Spencer, Asst. Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
CIS-PRL - BPA State Competition in Albuqeurque, NM - February 19-22, 2023.
9.B. Notification of Out-of-Country Trip for Early College High School Students (FOR INFORMATION ONLY - NO ACTION REQUIRED)
Eric Spencer, Asst. Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
10.A. Reaffirmation of Open Meetings Notice Resolution (ACTION)
Board President
Annually - Reaffirm Open Meetings Act.
10.B. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GCQF-G-6100 Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Professional Staff Members (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy -
10.C. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GDQD-G-9300 Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Support Staff Members (ACTION)
Allison Hervol, Asst. Superintendent of C & I
Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GDQD-G-9300 Discipline
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.