August 9, 2021 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of July 12, 2021 regular meeting
III.B. Approve travel reimbursements
III.C. Consider and act upon authorizing President Cody Phillips to execute necessary documents transferring surplus, entity owned property located at 909 El Paso Street, Original Town of Wellington, Collingsworth County, Texas, S 15’ of Lot Ten (10) and all of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block One Hundred Thirty-three (133) to the adjacent property owners Shelly Thomas Molina
III.D. Discuss and approve proposed tax rate for 2021
III.E. Set date for public hearing on 2021-2022 school year budget and 2021 proposed tax rate
III.F. Approve budget amendments
IV. Review Items
IV.A. Employee Handbook
IV.B. Student Handbook
IV.C. Student Code of Conduct
IV.D. Athletic Handbook
V. Discussion Items
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. School reopening
VI.A.2. New website & app
VI.A.3. Special Education Audit
VI.A.4. Dyslexia Audit
VI.A.5. Resignation
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. Preparation for beginning of school
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn