December 14, 2020 at 7:35 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of November 9, 2020 regular meeting
III.B. Authorize Board President Cody Phillips to sign checks
III.C. Consideration and possible action on a Resolution authorizing the Extension of Emergency Paid Sick Leave due to circumstances arising from COVID-19
III.D. Approve a Resolution extending EPSL days to the end of the 20-21 school year
III.E. Approve budget amendments
IV. Review Items
IV.A. Campus Improvement Plans
V. Discussion Items
V.A. Team of Eight Training (following regular meeting at noon) - January 11, 2021
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. Superintendent's Evaluation and Timeline
VI.A.2. Targeted Improvement Plans
VI.A.3. Title 9 overview
VI.A.4. Auditor
VI.A.5. Update on roofs
VI.A.6. GT Information
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. Talent show has been postponed but plan to reschedule
VI.B.2. JH basketball has begun and the concession stand is being run by the 6th grade as their class fundraiser
VI.B.3. No confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our campus at this time, we have a few out for close contact or awaiting test results
VI.B.4. The virtual UIL contest was held on November 18th & 19th but Shamrock still needs to complete their competitions so nothing will be graded until that time
VI.B.5. Students showing continued improvement in Edgenuity as we continue to make adjustments to the program
VI.B.6. STAAR Interim Assessments are scheduled for December 8th & 9th
VI.B.7. 1st semester tests are scheduled for December 16th - 18th |
VI.B.8. NWEA MOY testing scheduled to begin in January
VI.B.9. Semester exam schedule for high school
VI.B.10. Reception for Kyla Kane for winning the gold in cross country - 12/3
VI.B.11. FFA area contest - 11/19 & 11/21
VI.B.12. Greenbelt FFA District LDE Contest in Clarendon - 11/17
VI.B.13. 3rd - 5th grades take TEA Math Interim Assessment – 12/8
VI.B.14. 3rd - 5th grades take TEA Math Interim Assessment – 12/9
VI.B.15. Teachers travel to Panhandle to grade UIL – 12/9
VI.B.16. Virtual Christmas Sing – 12/11
VI.B.17. Wellington Elementary Placed 2nd in the UIL Academic Meet
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn