April 16, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Closed Session - 6:00 pm
Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any administrator over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility in order to take Personnel Action pursuant to Wisconsin Statue 19.85(1)(c).
III. Open Session - 6:30pm
IV. Spotlight on Education
Solo & Ensemble - Ms. Badman |
V. Consent Agenda Items
V.A. Agenda
V.B. Minutes
V.C. Financial/Budget Reports
V.D. Board Vouchers
VI. Community Comments
VII. Administrative/Committee/Department Reports
VII.A. Administrator Reports
VIII. Informational Items
VIII.A. Enrollment Report - Mr. Kuchta
VIII.B. Legislative Update - Mr. Kuchta
VIII.C. Strategic Plan Update
VIII.C.1. Student Achievement & Technology - Mr. Waalen & Mr. Melberg
VIII.C.2. Student Engagement - Ms. Wesle & Mrs. Weisenbeck
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Revise Board Meeting Minutes 4/18/2016 - Mr. Kuchta
IX.B. 2018 Spring Election Results - Mr. Kuchta
IX.C. Oath of Office - Dale Johnson
IX.D. Employee Insurance Plans & Rates - Mrs. Running & Mr. Kuchta
IX.E. 2018-19 High School Spanish Trip - Mr. Doerfler
IX.F. 2018-19 Curriculum Order Requests - Ms. Schock
IX.G. Appointment of WASB Correspondent and Convention Delegate
IX.H. District Positions/Recommendations
X. Closed Session
X.A. Personnel Action Items to be discussed in Closed Session
X.B. Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance
evaluation data, of any public employee over which the governmental body
has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. In order to take
Personnel Action pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1)(c).
XI. Open Session
XI.A. The Board may take action on personnel items that were discussed in closed session.
XII. Adjournment