February 16, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Student/Staff Presentation - Intermediate School iPads
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Agenda
III.B. Minutes
III.C. Financial/Budget Reports
III.D. Board Vouchers
IV. Community Comments
V. Administrative/Committee/Department Reports
V.A. Administrator Reports
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. ELE Project Completion Summary - Mr. Sigsworth/Mr. Schiell
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate - Mrs. Rimestad
VII.A.1. Global Wisconsin: http://www.globalwisconsin.org/#!
VII.B. All-Day, Full-Week 4K Program - Mrs. Meyer/Mr. Schiell
VII.C. Proposal to Expand Clubhouse Childcare to Include Children Age 6 Weeks to Grade 5 - Mrs. Meyer/Mr. Schiell
VII.D. MOU to Allow Off-Duty Law Enforcement to Possess Firearms on School Property - Mr. Schiell
VII.E. Implementation of Charter Schools at Lien and IS - Mrs. Meyer/Ms. Schock/Mr. Schiell
VII.F. Benefits Termination Date for Employees Leaving District Employment - Mr. Schiell
VII.G. Girls' Hockey Co-op Renewal and Future Boys' Co-op Agreement - Mr. Van Blaricom
VII.G.1. Proposed Boys' Co-op Fee of $1,600
VII.H. Remodeling Projects - Mr. Schiell/Mr. Van Blaricom
VII.I. Policies
VII.I.1. Second Reading
VIII. Closed Session
VIII.A. Review of performance evaluation data and consideration of continued
employment and considering financial, medical, social or personal
histories or disciplinary data of specific persons in order to take
Personnel Action pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1)(c).
IX. Open Session
IX.A. Personnel Action Items Discussed in Closed Session - Acceptance of Resignations/Retirements and Approval of Contract Action
X. Adjournment