September 15, 2014 at 7:10 PM - Annual Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Appointment of Chairperson for Annual Meeting
III. Appointment of Teller(s)
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Approval of Minutes
IV.B. Treasurer's Report and Fund 73 Report
IV.C. 2013-14 Income and Expenditures
V. Resolutions
V.A. School Board Salaries
V.B. Approval of Proposed 2014-15 Budget/Tax Levy
V.C. Short Term Loan Authorization
V.D. Policy on the Disposal of Unwanted Equipment and Supplies
V.E. Lease School Property
V.F. Accident Insurance for Students
V.G. Transportation of Public or Private School Students
V.H. Annual Meeting Date - September 21, 2015
VI. Other Business Legally Considered at the Annual Meeting
VII. Adjournment