October 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Consent Agenda - Ms. Brooks
Consent agenda items are routine items that the Board approves without discussion. Board members may remove items from the consent agenda for further discussion, or to vote differently on that particular item.
III.A. Agenda
The Board will approve or revise the agenda for the meeting.
III.B. Staffing - Interim Superintendent Hire
The Board plans to approve an interim superintendent to serve for the remainder of the school year.
IV. Information/Discussion/Possible Action
IV.A. Curriculum Expectations - Ms. Brooks
IV.B. Character Education - Ms. DeFord
IV.C. Community Engagement - Mr. Hintz
IV.D. Capital Effectiveness - Mr. Vega
IV.D.1. 2022-23 Budget Approval and Tax Levy Authorization
The Board will be asked to approve the final budget for 2022-23 and the 2022-23 tax levy.
V. Superintendent’s Report
The Superintendent or designee will provide the Board with informational items related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
VI. President’s Report
Ms. Williams will provide the Board with informational items related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
VII. Announcements
Board members may make announcements related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
VIII. Closed Session - The Board will move into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 19.85(1)(e) to deliberate or negotiate the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session to discuss secretary and paraprofessional negotiations.
IX. Adjournment