February 24, 2025 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting-to begin after conclusion of special meeting (time is approximate)
Agenda |
I. Call to order and establish a quorum
II. Pledge
III. Hearing of delegations
Any individual or group that is present, and who has signed in may address the board. Please note that the board cannot take action on any item or items unless it is already an agenda item.
IV. Report from board officers
V. Consent Agenda Items
V.A. Minutes of previous meetings
V.B. Elementary Campus Report - Enrollment, Activities, Calendar
V.C. Secondary Campus Report - Enrollment, Activities, Calendar
V.D. Superintendent Reports - Financial reports
V.D.1. Beginning Cash Position
V.D.2. Tax Revenues
V.D.3. Deposits and Securities
V.D.4. Budget: Revenues, Encumbrances, and Expenditure
VI. Action and/or Discussion Items
VI.A. Consider/Review accounts payable.
VI.B. Consider/Approve an early resignation incentive for District contract employees.
VI.C. Discuss 2024-2025 Chapter 41 payment report and Comptroller Preliminary Values.
VI.D. Consider/Approve request to apply for expedited waivers from TEA; Staff Development; Staff Development for Reading/English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and/or Social Studies.
VI.E. Discuss/Consider 2025-2026 School Calendar.
VI.F. Consider/Approve election services contract.
VII. Closed Session Section 551.074 (Discussion of Personnel) Texas Open Meetings Act
VII.A. Personnel
VII.B. Campus Administration
VII.C. School Counselor
VII.D. Consider/Act on offer to purchase real estate.
VIII. Open Session: Action on Closed Session Items
IX. Adjourn