May 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Prayer
III. Open Forum
III.A. Oath of Office
IV. Consent Items
IV.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
IV.B. Set date for regular June Meeting
IV.C. Approve Bills
V. Action Items
V.A. (2161) Discussion and possible action on Budget Amendments
V.B. (2162) Discussion and possible action on board reorganization and election of officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary
V.C. (2163) Discussion and possible action on the Investment Report
V.D. (2164) Discussion and possible action on Student Insurance for the 2021-2022 school year.
V.E. (2165) Discussion and consideration of the 2021-2022 Technology Plan.
V.F. (2166) Discussion and consideration of Campus Evaluation of Wellness Plan.
V.G. (2167) Discussion and possible action on purchasing a Route Bus for $62,985.00 from Thomas Bus Sales.
V.H. (2168) Discussion and consideration on professional contract(s) for the 2021-2022 school year.
VI. Executive Session (Closed)
Take action, if any, as a result of executive session (Open Session) |
VII. Discussion
VII.A. Principal's Report, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. White
VII.B. Superintendent's Report, Dr. Palmer
VII.B.1. Discussion of Property Values Estimates
VII.B.2. Discussion of Spring Survey Results
VII.B.3. Discussion of Facility Updates
VII.B.4. Discussion of Graduation Ceremony
VII.B.5. Discussion of possible Softball Program
VIII. Adjourn