October 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83281268685?pwd=V3FPUzIvVm1kWWhaUGVscVJ2MXpjUT09 Meeting ID: 832 8126 8685 Passcode: 125862 |
2. Discussion
A. Pre-Second Reading Policies and Procedures: 1400/1400P, 1611, 2161P, 2162P, 2190/2190P, 2230, 2410P, 3122, 3207P, 3225, 3231, 3241/3241P, 3246P, 3520P, 5050, 3215, 6217P, 6220, and 6700
B. EP&O (old M&O) Levy Discussion
3. Action
A. 2023-24 Nurse Contract
4. Executive Session: (If Requested) (e) reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public employment and or reviewing the performance of a public employee
Under RCW 42.30.110, an Executive Session may be held for the purpose of (a)To consider matters affecting national security (b) considering the sale or acquisition of real estate; (c) negotiations on the performance of publicly bid contracts; (d) receiving and evaluating complaints against a director or staff member; (e) reviewing the qualifications of an applicant for public employment and or reviewing the performance of a public employee; (f) evaluate qualifications of a candidate for appointment to the board; (g) consulting with legal counsel or on matters regarding agency enforcement actions or current or potential agency litigation. |
5. Adourn