June 6, 2017 at 5:00 PM - SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING
Agenda |
1.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
1.B. Addendum to Approval of Appointment of Personnel (6.05.17)
1.C. Addendum to Approval of Personnel Changes (6.05.17)
1.D. Approval of Leave(s) of Absence
1.E. Approval of Separation(s) and Termination(s)
1.F. Approval of Essential Recruitment Stipend - One Time Signing Bonus
1.G. Approval of New Position - Software/Database Application Specialist (replacing Manager of Student Information Services)
1.H. Approval of Vouchers Totaling and Not Exceeding Approximately $1,644,594.09 (Final Total) (6.05.17)
1.I. Acceptance of Gifts
1.J. Receipt of April 2017 Report on School Auxiliary and Club Balances
1.K. Award of Contract for Diesel Fuel Bio Diesel B-5 Blend and Unleaded Gasoline Based Upon Responses to Request for Bid (RFB) 05-23-2017
1.L. Award of Contract for Employee Uniforms (Transportation Maintenance Facility Employees) Based Upon Responses to Request for Bid (RFB) 05-24-2017
1.M. Award of Contract for Industrial Water Systems, Water Treatment, Maintenance and Repair Based Upon Responses to Request for Bid (RFB) 05-05-2017
1.N. Award of Contract for Nursing Services (RN, LPN, & CNA) for Special Needs Students Based upon Responses to Request for Proposal (RFP) 04-19-2017
1.O. Award of Contract for Yearbooks Based upon Responses to Request for Proposal (RFP) 04-14-2017
1.P. Award of Contract for Amphitheater High School Fire System Replacement Based Upon Response to Request for Bid (RFB) 05-22-2017
1.Q. Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property via PublicSurplus.com
1.R. Approval of Out of State Travel
2.A. Motion to Recess Open Meeting and Hold an Executive Session for:
2.A.1) Student Disciplinary Action in the Consideration and Decision Upon Expulsion Hearing Officer’s Recommendation, Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-843(F)(2), Regarding:
a. Student #30051115; b. Student # 30047543; c. Student # 30057623; d. Student # 30029079; e. Student # 30056063; f. Student # 30047205; g. Student # 30056535; h. Student # 30059753; i. Student # 30033076; j. Student # 30018364; k. Student # 30054439; l. Student # 30030115; m. Student # 30025485; n. Student # 30056101; o. Student # 30059259; p. Student # 30045355; q. Student # 30059525 r. Student # 30034547; s. Student # 30013590; t. Student # 30018913; u. Student # 30052789; v. Student # 30052077; x. Student # 30042603, and y. Student # 30014726. |
2.A.2) Consideration and Determination of Appeal of Long-term Suspension Hearing Officer’s Decision, Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-843(A); Determination of Whether to Hold an Expulsion Hearing and Designate a Hearing Officer to Hear Evidence, Prepare a Record and Bring a Recommendation to the Board, Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-843(F)(2), Regarding:
a. Student # 30058023; b. Student # 30026678; and c. Student # 30055009. |
2.A.3) Discussion or Consultation for Legal Advice with the Attorney or Attorneys of the Public Body Regarding the Resolution of Case 17C-DP-063-ADE With Regard to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1415, Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(3) (6.05.17)
2.B. Motion to Close Executive Session and Reconvene Open Meeting
3. ACTION (6.05.17)
3.A. Approval of Confidential Settlement Agreement in Resolution of Case 17C-DP-063-ADE, Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1415 (6.05.17)