May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.a. Call to Order
1.b. Innvocation
1.c. Pledges
1.d. Public Comments
2. Recognitions and Donations
2.a. Valedictorian - Lily Morones / Salutatorian - Karlie Hoke
We will be presenting blankets to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
2.b. Donations from Various Businesses and Organizations
3. Consent Agenda
At the request of a trustee, any item may be removed from the consent agenda, and considered separately |
3.a. Consider, Discuss and Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 15, 2024 as well as the Special Meeting of May 9, 2024, as read
4. Regular Agenda
4.a. Consider, Discuss and Approve action for Waiver for Missed School Day of May 3, 2024
We will be applying for both an ACP and regular school day waiver. This allows us to not have to make up days for both the 180-day calendar or the extra minutes for state attendance if needed. Recommend we approve the waiver
4.b. Consider, Discuss and Approve Instructional Materials Certification and Science Textbook adoption
The Certification form from TEA is attached. We are keeping the same curriculum as previously recommended, and the committee has recommended going with the McGraw Hill Science Textbook in addition to the Supplemental materials used previously, that has been approved by
the State Board and TEA. Recommend that we approve the committee recommendations |
4.c. Consider, Discuss and Approve Increasing School Breakfast and Lunch prices for 24-25 school year
We completed the food service audit with only one small finding. No major findings. The item we were dinged for was that we are not charging enough for Breakfast and Lunch. We are required to raise prices for adult breakfast from $2.75 to $3.10. Adult lunches will stay at $5.
Children breakfast will stay at $2.75 and student lunch will stay at $3.75. Recommend accepting increase in prices required by Federal Food Service. |
4.d. Consider, Discuss and Approve Purchase of New School Buses
With the passing of the bond, we can look to purchase new school buses. I have contacted Bluebird approved vendor through BuyBoard and I will be sending you his pricing sheet when he sends it on Friday. They currently have both 71 and 77 passenger buses, which hold 50 and 56 students 2 to a row, in stock. Delivery on in stock buses will be 4 to 6 weeks, or we can delay delivery until after September 1. Nonstock buses have had a price increase and are 4 to 6 months out for all buses except EV’s. I will send the prices and the expected delivery times on the buses we might consider. We could approve the purchase at this meeting but may have to delay delivery due to budgeting concerns.
Recommend purchasing buses with bond proceeds in June meeting |
4.e. Consider, Discuss and Approve Linebarger, Goggan, Blair and Sampson's presentation on a contract for delinquent tax collections
This firm did our tax collections several years ago, then districts got together with the county and went with McCreary. The county has changed back and Linebarger does the majority of our training, but we still have McCreary. We have little to do with McCreary as they are paid by us through the county. Recommendation: Research what the county is doing and make decision. I have no preference on this issue.
4.f. Consider, Discuss and Approve McKinley, Golden's presentation on selecting a Project Delivery System
Malcom will be here to go over how we wish to provide for selecting a Contractor or bidding out the Project. I have attached the PowerPoint for the 5 ways that this could be done. This is information that was on our website for the bond. We can keep Malcom on track and shorten
his information if we have read the information. If you have questions as you go over, I can send them to him so we can hopefully get them answered prior to the meeting. Recommend going with the GMAR recommended by the Architect: Additional item: I recommend that we select a Project Manager for the project that would have our interest to work with the GM. |
4.g. Consider, Discuss and Approve Guy Goodson as legal representation for Bond
If you remember, we hired Guy and broke his contract into two parts. We have completed the Bond Election Part and need to finalize the contract for the rest of the process. I will send a copy of the proposed contract when I receive it, and send to Curtis for review. Recommend approving the contract for continued representation through the Bond Process, if
it is alignment with the prior contract. |
4.h. Consider, Discuss and possible action concerning graduation stoles
I am attaching the prior information that I sent on this topic.
The student handbook and board policy states that we recognize and additional organizations are listed and up to Principal discretion. As the graduation is to honor students who demonstrated academic achievement by being in the top 10, are graduating or distinguished themselves in academics or leadership in their national school organizations, and are traditionally the students that are recognized. I had a discussion with Ms. Bihm on the history of graduation, cords, stoles and what groups are asked to stand and be recognized. I also discussed with Holli and looked back at yearbooks to 2015 to see what had been not only remembered, but put where we had pictures of students at graduation Since 2015, with one exception here is the list of those organizations recognized: Stoles Cords Stand and be recognized NHS FCCLA NHS FCCLA State and National leadership representatives Dual Credit Students FFA FFA Cords NAHS FCCLA Honor Students(NHS) Honor Students Blood Drive CCMR/IBC During Holli and Amy’s first year a teacher provided Stoles for the Christian in Action club that were not authorized by the administration, but they did not want to make a scene and did not address it that night. The stoles and cords need to stay as addressed as this is a slippery slope that once you start down it is difficult if not impossible to go back. Other districts have allowed items such as breast cancer awareness cords, cultural stoles, parent and student remembrances, armed forces and academy cords and now they are having to deal with other groups adding cords or stoles. Our forum is very clear and tightly closed: We recognize academic Honors and national organizations. When you open the forum to include student clubs or organizations then you must acknowledge all of those organizations, not just a select few. Solution discussed: In discussion with staff, we discussed that we could recognize our students in CIA as they provide the Baccalaureate, a graduation activity for our seniors, and as such we can adjust the script to recognize those students and that action. Here is the addition to the script: This past Monday we celebrated the accomplishments of our graduates at the Senior Awards and Scholarship ceremony. This graduating class earned a total of $_____ in scholarships! On Wednesday night, our senior Christians in Action members organized the Baccalaureate service and it was a beautiful event. We are proud of all that this class has accomplished and we are honored to celebrate the class of 2024! It appears that students are also able, within appropriate limits to decorate their mortar boards. Those students who chose to could definitely put their CIA logo on their motorboard so that they could be recognized Strongly Recommend: Due to the changes to Title 9, information provided and the fact that thisis a Principal role, I recommend that we take no action on this item. |
5. Reports
5.a. Superintendent’s Report
5.a.1. Food Service Audit Report
Food service Audit - we had only the finding for not charging enough for breakfast and lunch.
5.a.2. Summer Maintenance Planning
Summer Maintenance Planning. - I will present what Mr. Higginbotham and I have agreed upon for our staff to do over the summer and what we will hire to complete.
5.a.3. Bond Timelines
5.a.3.a. Finance
Bond Timelines. - I have attached the Bond financial timelines and dates through August
20 th . These are set by Government Capitol and we will discuss them in our June meeting. I have also included the related parties that are working on our Bond and will be working with us through the sale of the bond. Malcom will present the contract options and provide a timeline on moving forward with the architect for building design.I have also begun to explore having someone who represents us in the building process to provide project management oversight. I will provide additional information at our June meeting if I do not have requested information back prior to our meeting. |
5.a.3.b. Building Project
5.a.4. Graduation
5.a.5. E3
E-3 -Have completed updates in the gym. I will have further information on Monday
Fencing - Will be here on Wednesday at 11:00 to hopefully complete their portion of the project, except for what Chris has to finish. |
5.a.6. Title 9 Changes and Policy Updates
Title 9 Changes and policy updates - There is a lot here that I will attempt to summarize in our meeting and I will send you updates as we go into the summer.
5.a.7. Board Self Evaluation Teamwork Workshop date for June 11th or 13th @ 6pm
Work Session Meeting on June 11 or 13 th for Board Self Report and Goal setting with Admin.
5.a.8. Concessions
Concessions - We are meeting with Booster club to go over concessions on Friday. This item will be for discussion from Milt’s meeting with Booster President.
5.a.9. Superintendent's Summer Vacation Days
5.a.10. Check Register
5.a.11. Cash Accounts
6. Discussion: Convene for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.074, 551.076.
6.a. Personnel Issues
6.b. School Security Audit Findings
I have attached the door audit findings. The inspector did not gain access to the school, however when he was checking doors, we had one where the magnet was not working properly, and officer Bartosh had not updated that week’s report. I will go over findings and actions taken to rectify the situation.
7. Action: Reconvene – Open Session
Take Action on Matters Considered in Closed Session. |
8. Adjourn