April 12, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Special Called
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Closed Session
2.A. The Board may declare itself in a closed meeting as authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.001 - 551.146. In the effect a closed meeting is to be convened, the presiding officer shall publicly identify the section or sections authorizing the closed meeting. Those sections may include without limitation the following sections under SUBCHAPTER D AND E, which authorize a closed meeting to discuss the following topics:
2.A.1. Section 551.071: Consultation with the Board's attorney regarding legal and procedural issues.
3. Action Item
3.A. Consider/discuss/approve/ratify - Administrator contracts for administrators assigned to positions of high school principal, middle school principal, and elementary school principal
4. Public Forum
Persons attending the meeting may request a Public Forum Sign-Up Card. The card must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Board President or designee prior the Call to Order. Public forum is limited to agenda items other than personnel and individual/specific students. Any personnel concern should be brought directly to the Superintendent prior to the meeting. Speakers will be limited to three (3) minutes. When more than one individual wishes to address the same agenda item, the President may ask the group to appoint one spokesperson. |
5. Adjourn